Abstract of the Net Produce :of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Tears and Quarters ended 10th October 1849 and 1850, showing the Increase or Decrease thereof.
1849. 1830. Increase. Decrease.
• Customs 18,637,563
.18,738,805 81,242
Excise 12,881,916 .13,813,102 431;186
Stamps 8,328,213 6,186,780,
182,433 Taxes 4,326,90l ' 4,336,086 8;181
'Property Tax .5,383,199i 5013,701 730,602
Post office 882,000.
820,000 - • • 32,000 Crown Lands 130,060
:Miscellaneous 212,543 216,560 4,026
Total Ordinary Revenue
• 48,272,133'
448;743,043. 685,141 214,433 China Money
• 94,234
- , 84,284 Imprest and other Monies '538,265 684,,988 126,023
_Repayments of Advances 344.53s3 .698,411 133,018
Total Income
449,480,267 .80,125,742
944,192 .198,717 Deduct Decrease.. -288,717,
• -
Increase on the Tear
QUARTERS ENDED 10th .00TOBER 1849. ". 1830. Increase. Deerease.
'Moslems .."".533372 5,231,883.
1,369 'Excise .4,287,377. 4,103,343,
184,231 Stamps '1,606,747 1,507;028'
179,719 'Mixes .................... 203,437! 1416,813
18,444 Property Tax
1,3144006 14667,864
46,142 'Poet-other
127,000 3,060
Crown Lands 121,000 20,000
28,727 1,826
Total Ordinary Revenue
13,192,08! 9,823 427,928 China Money
Imprest and other Monies .138,134 121,616 1,481
Repayments of Advances 166,199
Total Income 13,896,894 13,007,886, 188,920 427,328 Deduct Increase
• 138,920 Decrease on the Quarter
'Income and Charge Of the Consolidated Fund, in the Quarters ended 10th October .1849 and 1850.
QVARTEZE goose 10th
• Orion.
1849. 1830.
5,283,272 .4,289,317 1,688,747 203,057 1,914,06 224,000 20,000 21,902 34,984 83,210 166,191.'
13,908,534 13,616,4138
MIASMA sum= 10th
1849. 1850.
1,202,376 10,380 88,993 409,282 480,426 8,666,975 5,051381 13,908334 The Surplus Revenue on the 6th July 1850, alter providing for the obargerfor.thist Quarter, was Co which is to be added the Surplus of the Consolidated Fund on 10th October 1830 The amount issued in the Quarter ended 10th October 1960, in part of the sums granted by Parliament out of the Consolidated k'und fur 'Supply Services . The Surplus Rei enue after providing for the Charges on the Consolidated:prnd, and for the payment of Supply. Services England In the Quarter ended 10th October 1830
Customs ,Exeter Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-oaee Crown lands Miscellaneous
bnprest and other Monies Produce of the Sale or old Stores, Cc
'Repayments ofAdvances
.Permanent Debt.... • ..........................
• Terminable Annuities 'Interest on ExelleguerEills Issued lo meet the Charge on ItheCon,
.solidateA Eland.
'Sinking Fund
Other Charges so the ConsOlidated Fund Ter Advances
Total Charge
Surplus ...... ........ -
7,791,195 6,117,339
1,288,161 658,589 98,80 420,518
13,618,636 5,873,312 4,407,332 1,266,180 621,831 5,051,881 5,231,883 4,114,293 1,507,028 186,813 1,867,864 227,000 20,000 28,727 49,832 72,263 193313