trli j f Alttrovaliz.
The Common Council, on Thursday, voted by acclamation a grant of one hundred guineas in aid of the Jews Free School, where 1100 chil- dren are well and morally taught. A similar sum was granted to the Church of England Sunday School Institute. The use of the Guildhall was granted to the Literary Association of the Friends of Poland, for the _purpose of holding there a ball in aid of the funds of the Polish Association.
It was referred-to -a committee to consider the propriety of obtaining a legislative extension of the London Small Debts Act, so as to assimilate it to the County Courts Aot, and authorize the recovery of debts amount- ing to 501.
A public meeting was held on-Wednesday at Sussex'Hall in Leadenhall -Street, to forward the -project of a memorial to the virtues of the late !Baroness Rothschild. Mr. Joseph Mitchell presided, and the speakers were chiefly leading members of -the ',Hebrew community. Dr. Schiller, Professor at the College of Eperies in Hungary, read an apostropheto the virtues-of the deceased,—apologizing for his =silkiness as a speaker, "being scarcely six months here."
"The departed Hannah Rothschild, not as Baroness, not as the wife of so great a phiknthropist as the late N. M. Rothschild, not as the mother of .so many benevolent children, and not as the sister of so many 'kind sons and daughters of Israel ; but itannah Rothschild as the mother of the orphan, the friend of the poor, the liberal patroness of the Maternity Society, the support of the needy and unhappy, and lastly, the munificent and benevolent
benefactress of the Jews Free School, forme the theme of myeddreas Let us erect to the memory of that noble daughter of Israel, upon whom every Jew looks back with -national prideand deep reverence, a monument worthy of ourselves, andstillmore worthy of her. Let unfound a monument of a spiritual tendency, though coming from material sources, in memory of one who-has so largely contributed by material means to the diffusion of that spiritual pro- gress which the education of youth effects."
It was resolved to found "the Hannah Rothschild Scholarship" in connexion with one of the Jewish schools.
When Henry Denham, charged with .participation in the attack on Mr. Cureton, was produced at the Mansionhouse on Wednesday, a further re- mand was requested by the solicitor for the prosecution, and granted. Den- ham appeared to be very ill, and he was immediately conveyed out of the dock ; but he was speedily brought back to meet another charge : Mr. Thomasiiller, an artist's colourman living in Long Acre, had rec him. About a month ago, Mr. Miller was returning home at midnight through'Long Acre; three or four men pounced upon him from a covered way, put =instrument round his neck which -deprived him of all power, and threw him down on the pavement. But Mr. Miller's pockets were but- toned, he struggled hard, and the villains had to make off without booty. By the light of a lamp Mr. Miller had a good view of one of his assailants, and he now identified Denham as that individual. The prisoner made a whining denial of his guilt—saying, he was quite innocent and very hardly treated. He was remanded on this second charge.
Persons travelling on the South-western Railway loop line have been an- noyed of late by boys throwing stones from bridges in'Ealing parish. One of these mischievous urchins has been detected in a still more dangerous prank—placing atones on the rails at a level crossing. A gateman caught Into in the fact. The offender, George Weblon, a boy of twelve, has been fined 20s. by the Brentford Magistrates, with the alternative of twenty-one days' imprisonment. A more severe punishment is threatened in future
When the Police arrested Mr. Sinall last week, for receiving stolen plate from Liverpool, they examined his general stock, and saw enough to induce them to seize the whole, on suspicion that it was the produce of robberies. It was removed from Barbican to the Scotland Yard station. By Monday, some of it had -been-recognized : Mr. Argent, of the Rainbow Tavern, Fleet Street, identified some plate which he had lost, though hie marks li;d been nearly obliterated; and Mr. Lovegrove, of the London Coffeehouse, claimed a number of amens and forks. It has been ascertained that a pair of salt- cellars, part of the packets sent from Liverpool, were stolen from the house of Mrs. Tinley, a lady living in that town.
A fatal disaster occurred on board the screw-steamer the Erin's Queen, lying near London Bridge, on Thursday afternoon. Ferguson, the engineer, perceived that one of the screws of the "clutch hole " of the boiler was loose, and he proposed to repair the defect. While he was attempting this, theacrew broke, and a great body of steam and water rushed out, dashing the man to some distance. Two others of the crew who were standing near managed to escape to the deck unhurt. The unfortunate engineer was speedily covered with scalding water ; and when it was possible to get pos- ,seemion of his body, he was found to be quite dead.
While three gentlemen were beating up Woolwich Reach in a sailing-boat, -on Saturday, a sudden squall upset the boat : Mr. William Montford and Mr. Farley were saved by clinging to the keel ; but Mr. John Montford, of Islay House, Brompton, was drowned.
_ At noon on Tuesday, a revenue-boat, having a Customhouse-officer and four rowers on board, left a brig opposite Woolwich Dockyard ; at the mo- ment the boat put off the Sylph steamer came up, ran into the boat, and -cut it in two. Four of the people were rescued, one much hurt ; but the other man was drowned. It is said that no blame attaches to the steamer— everything was done to prevent collision when the boat was seen.
The insurance-offices have obtained a very large amount of salvage from the ruins of the fire in Mark Lane, and expect to get more. A portion of the ruins is Mill on fire !
A young girl, residing in West Street, was found by a Policeman at two o'clock on Sunday morning in her chemise, playing a variety of antics before a number of persons in the New Road. Ina state of somnambulism, the had left her bed, descended the stairs, got into the street, and wandered into the New Road; and was quite unconscious when found dancing there. When with great difficulty the Policeman awakened her, she burst into tears. He wrapped her in his greatcoat, and conveyed her home.