On the 15th September. at the Seigneurial House, St. Hilaire, Canada,40i, Lady of Major Campbell, late of the Seventh Ilusserstof,a,dau,ghter. On the-27th, at Florence, the Lady Metlinen, of a daug_liter- an the 3d October, at Cork, the lion. Mn. Lauristoii Kneller, of a son.,
On the 5th, at the Manorhouse, Efchfont, the Lady Charlotte Watson Taylor, of a son..
On the 7th, at Limgford Castle the Viseountesi Folkestone of a son, which only survived a short time. _. . ..
Qn the 7th,at Strowel Lodge, floseneath, Dumbartonshire, the Lady of Colonel P.
E. Geaigie, C.D.., Aide-de-camp to the .Queen, eta daughter. . , . On the 8th, at Hull, the Wife of Lieutenant-Colonel Wellealey,Tenth Regiment, of a.son. On the 9th, at Dittisham„,„Devon, the Lady Henry Kerr, of a daughter.
On the 9th, in Upper Brook Street, the -Lady Georgians _Ctid4ugton, of a son and.. heir. . On the 10th, ,in Cumberland Terrace, Regent's Park,-Rie.4, Ho of Lieutenant- , . .
8,ERIA.Olgfb.,`,-‘,...,":1 On the 21st September, at St- Hnlier's, Jerav;.-Edvmrd Hamilton Sterling, _Esq.; F.R.S., late of the Bengal Civil Service, to,A,Mue4,Liabella, youngest daughter of the
late Captain William Nugent GLikock, „ ,
- mean, to Jane Meliora; daughter of the late captain .Michael 'day, R.N. On the 1st October, at Farnham Royal, neke,rjOhn Erallidqsq., of Akyab, Ar- On the 9d, at St. George's Chapel, Stoneltouse„.PlYmoitth, urge Drury, Esq., R.M. second son of the late Captain Drery„.N to ..lesse, youngest -daughter of
the ate Harry Pigou, Esq., of the Third n Cuards. . On the 3d, at Lee, Kent, Frederic Morris, ,, Deere Park, Lee, to Amelia. Eliza. beth, eldest daughter of the Rev. Dr. Smithers, of Greenwich.
On 5th, atlIever Church. Kent, the Rev. Williani.Wilberforce Bettye, Rector of Hever, to Harriet Dorothea, the only daughter.of EdiniuksMak,e44,Meade Waldo, Esq., 4 Hever Castle and Stonewall park, in the same seeptyit w -. -
, •• . :
Ou, the 9th, atWonston, the Rev. Thomas Pyne, A.M., Lieu ogMook, SUrrey, to Rosanne Mary, only daughter of the late it. D., Pribeherif,. ,..S.-siptmei,irkthe
On the lOth, at St, Michael's, Chester Square, John Cita:Set:4 ite4:;_dAi)WPe:Pt the late John Cumson, Esq., Shiffiial, Salop, to Julia Lady111a1m, ltelictinf ■.p,tae Sir. Valentine Blake, Bart. , , Colonel Passy, of a ion.
DEAERS. . • _ -
On the 21st June, at Lahore, Lieutenanb.Colonel-Sleorge-Augriltovitaill. heeesei- mend' of the Sixty-fifth Regiment snof the:be .loephatet,- Egg of AllsrirS
Terrace; inhis45thyear. : • On the 11th September, at a village on the motintak5s, near Beyeetit, Stabil fgEfe,ver, after a few. days' illness, Peter, only son of-Peter CEsq.;:olllleansizufte41.1arifet; • in his 23d year. , • On the 2d October, at Ashby St. Ledgers, Northataptonshire;1.adget Seaborne ; in her 80th year. ,
• On theld, at Filey, near Scarborough; the Ile... limey-Net/ism ireiwidoDtitboney, B.A., Rector of Kirk Bramwith, hear Doneasteo7.and..amiondmoremEIMstleit-Gisnetal ral. Henry Daubeney, K.H. ; in his.37th:year,:t !3.11.iloa ,A10.// :to% -- On the 2d, the Rev. Theodore Dury,Weetariliatibtosi*IEertli ;.inItis 81st rare ' On the 2d. Henrietta", the,,littife,cof e1raffqed:feraffm-4Eseil,biLkiglitingto6 Hall, Cheshire, and third daughter of the late Rev. Sir Thomas Delves Broughton, Bert,, of Doddington--1.1,a11;-. in het 78th Tear. • , On the 4th, at Edinburgh, Colonel.idolman C1161,111C0. . XI a .1-
On the 4th, at Worlingtou Reetoryi:Madenha 1, Suffolk; the Rev. Jatnes Gibson ; in his 6lith year. • .•
' On the5th, in Clarges Street, Lientenant4SieneralSir James Stevenson Barns, K.C.B. and K.C., Colonel of the Twentieth Itegireenk.,• On the 5th, at Lanesborough Lodge, Belturbet, Irelandwathe Right Hon. the
Countess of Laneaborong,h. . . , . ,
On the 5tb, Alfred -Place, Bedford,SquareAfia,F;fizabethalawker, Widow of Joseph Hawker, Esq.. late Clarencieux Kingsrit-Arms4 in heti 90thyear. Lately, in South Atfdley Street, Captain George! Poulett..; of her Majesty's Fifty- fourth Regiment of Foot, the eldestt Sall of the- lion. Vice-Admiral Foidett; in his 90th year.