2The Denil in Turkey ; or Scenes in Constantinople. By Stefanorienos. Translated from the Author's unpublished Greek manuscript, by Menry Corpe. First Series. In three volumes.
Light and Darkness ; or Mysteries of Life. By Mrs. Catherine Crowe, Author of "The liaght-eide- of Nature," &o: In three volumes.
Lights- and Shades of Ireland. In three Parts. ByAaenathNicholson, of New York.
[Asenath Nicholson is= a sort of New-York Elizabeth Fry in a small way, who has- been travelling in. Ireland distributing her own means and thee means furnished her by the contributions of her country-people in relieving the Irish. Of the spirit which prompts such kindness and exertions it 30- impossible to speak- too highly: It is-another matter when we are to pro- nounce judgment on a book in which a visit to Ireland is made an excuse' for rehashing the exhausted subjects of Ireland's history and wrongs and her real or fabulous antiquities; The part devoted: to the account of what thin writer actually saw is better than the compiled portions; but Asenath olson is-unfit to write aliaok. Thereisow method in her plan, no ooherenee in her anxuagement; her manner- is discursive, and she has that want or retenue which distinguishes her country.] The Military Topography of Continental Europe. Prom the French. of M Th: revenge. Edited by Colonel J. IL Jackson,. Pali, &ter; (Parker's Military Ifanuale) [Lavallee's original work consists of three sections; one relating %sr= ca anotherth blatant:al; and the third tumiliterr geography. Su
IttereraAren WORKS.
Vestiges of Old London. By John Wykeham Archer. Part IV. [The subject of the prer,ent number is the Wall of London, as it was in its finekaud its palmy state; with plates of such fragments as still exist to gra- tify-the eyes of the curious. The idea of making an entire feature like the wall the subject of a number, and illustrating it by exist4ng remains, IS ced- had a little more life been thrown into the execution it had been ,.] The Seven Ages of Shakspere Illustrated. [A collection of eight designs, with a frontispiece and seven pages containing the separate parts of the text, surrounded by ornamental borders. The Mir- ders are engraved by Edward Goodall, after Maclise; the other eight designs are engraved by Thomson, Jackson, and S. Williams, after designs by Mul- ready, Wilkie, Collins, A. E. Chalon, Abraham Cooper, Calved., Isiwinlemd- seer,:and Hilton-all on wood. All are spirited and interesting. The most original is Mulready's design, which presents in one view, ingeniously grouped in characteristic action., all the seven ages together. Landseer's Pantaloon surveying himself in a glees, whether admiringly or regretfully, or both, is a telling scrap of satire far beyond the general run of designs on this overdone subject.]
.King's College Magazine ; Literary, Scientific, and Collegiate Journal No. I. New Series. [A highly creditable first number. The papers display variety, good writing, critical judgment, and some of them matter adapted to the business of life, not-the mere cleverly disguised ideas of previous essayists and article-writers. Among the papers are essays, reviews, tales, poetry, and scientific informa- tion, with a popular cast. If King's College Magazine aims at extending it- self much beyond the collegiate circle, it might be well to let both the sub- jects and their treatment have a direct bearing upon contemporary facts and opinions, especially where something contemporary seems to be in the writer's eye. Whether so or not, however, contemporaneousness is indis- pensable. The world has outgrown the day of scholastic generalities.]
• Pammuders.
Catholicity, Spiritual and Intellectual, &c. By Thomas Wilson, M.A., late Minister of St. Peter's Mancroft, Norwich.
Thirty-nine Reasons why the Clergy ought not to Subscribe the Thirty, nine Articles, nor any other form of words. By Alexander 'Q. G. Craufurd, M.A., &c. • Bishop on the Roman Catholic Controver,ty. A Letter th Sir Jam James, Bart,. written in 1741„ by the Right Reverend George- Berkeley, D.D., Lord Bishop of, Cloyne. Edited by the Reverend James S. M. Anderson, MA., &c. Some Considerations on th-e-Xducational System 'of the Scottish Univer- sities as compared with,those of Kngloncl, .stc. By Robert. Cower,
Black, M.A.
A Suggestive Manual (Port First) on the Theory and Practice of Edu-'-. cation; a Preliminary Lecture, delivered June 22, 1850, at the Col- lege of Preceptors, Bloomsbury Square. By. C. S. Freeman; &c.
Evidence of G. Cornmeal! _Lewis, Esq. , H.P. before a Select Committee of the Mouse -of Lords appointed to considerthe Laws relaMg to arochial Assessments, in the Session of 1850. : "Post and Present Delusions in the Political Economy and conseguenr _Errors in the Legislation of the: United Kingdom. By Alexander. Gibbon, Esq.
Among the few noticeable musical publications at this barren season, there are two Italian songs by Signor Felice Ronconi, brother of the celebrated singer and late Parisian impresario. One is a canzone, entitled " L'occhio cerule_ _o "-very simple, graceful, and tender: the other, a romanza palled- " La Mestizia," is more extended and elaborate, containing some fine Man.; lotions, which give strength to its melancholy expression. ,Both these mas- terly pieces belong rather to the 'Italian school of the last century than to that of the present day.
There is also a pretty ballad, "He. look'd back on his native glen,"
corn- posed by Miss Fmilie Maceroni, daughter (we undertand) of the late Colonel oni.. The words are Scotch, and written with feeling; and the,nielo- dy, though without .affecting any national peculiarity, expresses very hap- pily the sentiment of the verses. Mr. Novelle continues his cheap serials, which we have already described.: We have before us four numbers of his Glee-Hive ; consisting of four of the finest English glees and madrigals,-Webbe's "Swiftly from the mountain's. brow," Benet's "All creatures now are merry-minded," Spofforth's "Come bounteous May," and Stafford Smith's "Flora now calleth forth each flow- er " • clearly and beautifully printed, and sold for threepence and fourpence each'. Another meritorious cheap serial has been commenced, published by Messrs. Longman and Co. It is called The School and FamilyBook of Fart for the first and second sections eariUT-eadily,feraild in this country, and perhaps better books. '"Ofille'ffiNtrteli iiclicounterpart ; and Pffi•tirbithYuctlatfeilh'00d.11. itary Library, with various omis- taii; at theeuggastMn fie ite e4itor,i Cplenel. Jackson. efoenr0 trial 7111 t The volume is utopegraphileartext-beek eu•the .geograph elitg congidera.* tererelacEfp ■itc;:beinIngu• tm• • He/Awfulness will-depend-upon-the manner. . wine' li:it litu aid-of Man_arid expanded-as dt-were br the resources of the•M,, Al:Acttg anki reference to the thaPstive. beets 14144%ftitrii. ground. Iteontaine an amnicase-anionsit•cd well:classified imbeleowly minted facts ;--the-ueeereary-dryneeerof-whielrir oceasiormilrrefiered by allu- sions to the battles,foi,mht unoU theitartiorrilit4
,Fft •
sJ/1.8t9ry.0)WAS42;:leO=1/461: i Questions for.Examinatierketlie entof each Chapter ; •and a • the Quriby,- shoving ltf,;4.0* the,Wgkish Pdoesaious in ' 1/f3gth),, Edited liy Henry-White, B.A.; &c. . - [A Well-planned and well-executedlibok ; attention of the metier directed rather tb- the striking Characters and determining events in Fre history than occupied with a crowd of small facts.- The scale is gradually extended as the subjects approach the modern period. Thus, the history of France from the Revolution occupies more than half the book.] An Elementary Course of Practical Mathematics, for the use of Schools, By James Elliot. [Designed to supply all that is wanted by the great majority of scholars, Who study the subject merely as one branch of a general education; or to serve as an introduction to those who wish to devote themselves peculiarly to mathematics. Algebra is the subject of this volume.] The National Cyclopedia of Useful Knowledge. Volume XL Siegen, Ludwig Von-Thebes. [A variety of interesting and well-digested papers will be found in this volume; among them, a good life of Swift, and numerous geographical articles.] Mettle imaddieediteddi eVfl reddesitesiusleilifelliter
• WI s . T *ash: •
#., '' : 1 A'• • II 14 the PrANPit." .. plops/ladle ti-11!'rtin.-Isimsdnaints-4"418eiveueltase. %wratteualDgemiiindsetith'41peliw'99c14: alifflisilleld ol 1,1oZteillItstitfntrit ,armlst'f.reltattilet:O.Ei ;P;i7