12 OCTOBER 1850, Page 21

bus minnoo abit ni burro) ylib=rThu Nuoiivss brioam Las 1. - Iit

:nit lot Luis ; listrminuay114;74013W rir ■1 r 1 Alil JOliffiligiirilleMARII0C0 7,41.Pi e, wilt> -aimo auorsov iiiin ,•‘,.-tctiii,I Vv;.) - 3 3 per Cent Consols ..110,2:42£.1. n1014.) itelik1, 1141 1 ot rA03IltorltAtiffnrxeorx• mil., :gag- £4312r ifsflitit In gap rtirfr!MIlIfiti• 'NB 'Mill''' •,3Z ) ,,Msi treMt fiMi LULL:, lailig A.Iffeittieif=*eiJr.iaca-.....i:. 915011i 94341 Ll-htl 454: l' 4Ls.12-__., I,


tg,MLipteig.9Ptio.'4 s,..97s..)."-r, _Amid ,vy7r-1t r.ctrth DiebotastthaPlei.t.Veliketti .1;'N-1.:- iiiclt, iitqj ;VT -r fl4 1 it'-75114- ladira!elldel 3 ilPeC 010111..... " ditfpnin in-614,41 n:63 :s , -E16 s9 1.146.573

..t L ostss

1 -ulis -1.51 1,,,,;L., C.; ,. r..... r.; ,1.1- a , .... ,..r.,L- ... .

iiiilsiasfUl9 J. -7B31:31:1-c35 . . u` als-T1 ilu ers.0 mama auiet., IQ inicithifie_wilt• affmlklIdi..1 .• }i, .i ) ' ' of semis -ILesdtael.1 lig,. re ,.Airer falgieK.o-sooe• i. p .-1e.e51te +le 1„911u9 egteSalls,tirsov.l.u.,.,4 - i'l 311 rili611.Tr• ik'I' 491 d:' ctittiati( haul 6 Buenos Ayres 6 - 571 ., Noiv mica e 76 ' ressaylvania 5 -- 93 itts"d.-

Du . Cain* e - loll palskle

6 Dinecir — 5 Sil (Ex. 12 Guilders) ..ti 371 Pernylan 4

/ - 79) ex d.

Ditto 4 - 89 ex d. -Portuguese 3 - 37f. 50c. Ditto. 6 87

French 3

Ditto 5 - 91f. ex d. Russian — Indistua (Sterling) a - 731 Spanish 6 - 1091

-- Ditto 181

-. — DIttO (Passive) a 38

Illinois 6 Kentucky 31 Louisiana (Sterling) 5 - 90 Ditto (Deferred) — MarYlaad (Sterling) 5 - 90 • • Venezuela Active 311 £29,831,485 C29E31,483

nsai auto p manumit?.

Proprietors' Capital £14 653 000 Government Securities (In- Rest 8,566,136 eluding Dead WeightAnnuityl Z14,4211,837

Public Deposits. 10.852,937 Other Securities 13,380,678

Other Deposits 8,899,290 Notes 10,627,035

Seven Day and other Bills 1,309,561 Gold and Silver Cobs 620,674

£38,880,924 £38,980,934 • Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, St Dividend Awn- Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard £3 17 9 Copper, British Cakes LIII 0 0 .. 0 0

New Dollars 0 4 101 Lead, British Pig 17 10 0 .. 0 0 Foreign Gold istCoin,Portegal Pieces 0 0 0 Iron, British liars ... . 6 10 0 .. 0 0

Silver inBars, Standard 0 5 01 Steel, Swedish Keg... 11 le 0 .. te 0 BULLION. Per oz. METALS. Per ton. 0 0 0 0 GRAIN. Mark Lane, Oct. 11.


Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Walea. Wheat ... 428.10d. Rye 25s. 104 Barley ..., 23 10 Beans 29 9 Oata 17 3 Peas 29 0


For the Week ending Sept. 28. Wheat . 41s. M. Rye • 211,. 7d.

Barley 94 5 Beane 29 5 Oats 16 8 Pees AI 3


Town made per sack 40s. to Us.

Seconds 37 - 40 Essex and Suffolk, an board ship 33 - 34 Norfolk and Stockton 30 32 American per barrel 29 - 24 Canadian 21 23

Bread, 6d. to 7d. the 41b. loaf.

PROVISIONS Butter-Best Fresh, 12. Od. per doz. Carlow, 31. 18s. to O. 21. per cwt.

Bacon, Irisk per Cwt. 50s. to. 531. Cheese, Cheshire 42 - eo

Derby Plata 44 •••-• 64

Hann, York 60 - 70 Eggs, French, per 120,4c Od. to 6s.64.

111./TC1121116' MEAT.



Mutton Veal .. Fork .. Lamb., S A 11 II S.

log the Week ending Friday Evening.) BaNxe- 81.

British North American Colonial 131 Commercial of Loudon London and Westminster 33 London Joint Stock 701 National of Ireland 97 • National Provincial 491 Provincial of Ireland 61 Union of Australia of London tin 71 Moms- ' .-Lat Butanes Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey) Gobre Copper


Australian Agricultural Canada General Steam Posineular and Oriental Steam Royal Mall Steam

South Australian

1131 441 7; 20 ex d. 671 le/ 24 141 1211 so • (Last Official Quotation dor



Effieburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties Great Northern Great North of England Great South. and West. Ireland Great Western Hull and Selby I.ancashire and Yorkshire Lancaster and Carlisle London Brighton and South Coast London and Blackwell London and North-western Midland North British South-eastern and Dover South-western York, Newcastle, and Berwick York and North Midland


East and West India London St. Katherine


27/ 181


331 121 111 311 15/ 39 27 7s 70 BANK OF ENGLAND.

An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victdria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 6th day of Oct. 1050.

ZASUE nsesarmenr.

£29,831,485 Government Debt £11,015,100 Other Securities 2,984,900 Gold Cola and Bunion 18,611.627 Silver Bullion 219,938

Notes issued

Wheat,R.New 36 to38 Rye 251.526 Eine 38-42 Barley 19-20

old: se-40 Batting .., 0-10 White 40-41 Malt, Ord. .. 48-50

Pine., 41-43 Fine 50 --62 Super. New. 44-48 Pees, Hog- 29-31 Maple 33 to 34 White 27 -29 Boilers 33-34 Beane, Ticks 23 -27 Old 388-30 Indian Corn 38-90 HOPS.

Kent Pockete Choice ditto Sussex ditto Farnham ditto

60s. to BSC 90 - 140 88 - 76 90 - 130

WOOL. Down and half-bred Bogs per lb. Ill. to 18)4. Wether and Ewe 11 -12 Leicester Hogget and Wethcr 12 - 0 Fine Combing 101- 114 HAY AND STRAW.


(Per Load of 38 Trusses.)


70s. to 78s. 73s. to 75s. Ms. to 725,

55 63 60 - 60 0 - 0 78 84 83 - 85 65 - 70 24 -28 22 -28 21 -33 Hay, Good Inferior New Clover Wheat Straw Oats, Feed .. 151016 Fine .. 15-17 Poland ... 18-19 Fine .. 19-20 Potato -22 Fine 22-23 2 4 to 2 8 to 3 9 2 6 to 3 8 to 4 0

2 8-3 0 - 3 6 3 6 - 3 10 - 4 2

2 4-3 0-3 6 2 6 - 3 6 - 3 10 3 0 - 3 8 - 4 4 4 - 3 - 4 11 0 0- 0 0- 0 0 0 0- 0 0- 0 0 • To sink the offal) per 8 lb.

Keen ar Oszetz An

Seurnmato. Friday. Monday.

Beast.. 1,009 4,281 Sheep • axe 37,340

Calves. 370 253 Pigs 510 540


Rape Oil per cwt. ti la 3

Refined 118 0

Linseed Oil I II 0

Linseed 011-Cake per 1000 10 0 0

Candles, per damn, 41.6d. to 5s. 6d. Moulds (8.4. per dos. discount) 7.. 01. Coals, Heti= 16 6 Tees 16 6 GROCERIES.

Tea, Bohea, fine- per lb.• 08.1d:to Oa. 24,

Congo°, toe I 4 - I I

Souehong, line 1 3 - ft 4

• In Bond-Duty 2a. Id. per lb. Coffee, fine (in bond) per cwt. 681. to 105s. Good Ordinary 48 -49a id. Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt 27.. lat. West IndlaMolasses 13s. Od. to 15s. 6d.