Mr. Bentinck, M.P. for West Norfolk, has gone in definitively
for a fairer representation of the agricultural districts in the House of Commons,—not for more voters, but for more members. We must say this is a stroke of rather barefaced Conservatism. The rural districts are so important that they need a fitter represen- tation. Why are they so important ? Of course, for the people
whose interests they represent. But, according,to Mr. Bentinck, these -people are not to be represented in Rarliament except by the votesof.those whom they/often find to be hostile in interest to them,.---the farmers and the landowners. Youanight as well claim representatives for Germany inithe :French Alistimbly, as, just now, ask for more representatives for the farmers andlandlords, on the ground that questions, all centring more or less on the labour- question, make rural interests matters of the first order of importance.