Snl,—Once the wise men of Gotham found a rabbit in their kitchen garden. So they resolved to clear him out regardless of expense, and they surrounded him with a scientific cordon of five tortoises. The rabbit ran in and out among the tortoises and sat on their shells and jumped over them, and when he had enough of the game he went to feed in another bed. Then the wise men held a parish council. And the elders cried out with one voice : We must send more tortoises. Then a small boy who was so bright that he had been sent to school all the way to Ipswich got up and said very modestly: Have you thought of trying one dog ? But they all said he
was an unpractical amateur.—I am, Sir, &c., H. [Our readers will doubtless not fail to recognise our corre- spondent's signature.—En. Spectator.]