[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.]
The Diary of a Dug-Out. By Captain Radial King. (Sande and Co. ls.)—The meaning of the term " Dug-Ont " will be ex- plained by the sub-title of the book, "The Experiences of a Reserve Officer." Any one who wants to see what a hauling-over our military system requires should read this little book. Here is one specimen;—expenses of mess. The account of an officer is given at length. It amounts to £9 Os. 7d.,—his pay, let it be • observed, was £8 lls. 2d. Messing, i.e., food, was charged £710s, (No rent has to be paid, and fuel and light are found by Govern- ment.) And this was a very cheap mess, with no heavy sub- scriptions,—all the extras, it will be observed, amount to £110s. 7d.