Subscriptions should be sent to any members of the Com•
mittee named in the appeal,—the Countess of Derby, Knowsley Hall, Prescot, Lancashire; the Countess of Airlie, Cortachy Castle, Kirriemuir, N.B.; the Countess of Bective, Lunefield, Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland; Lady Hominy, 49 Charles Street, Berkeley Square; Lady Charles Bentinck, Elibank, Taplow, Maidenhead;—but contributions in kind should be sent to Mrs. F. A. Currey, The Pit House, Ewell, Surrey. Plum puddings must be packed in sealed tins. As two hundred and fifty thousand parcels will be required, and as the parcels must not, we suppose, leave later than the middle of November, it is to be hoped that the response will be quick as well as large. The notion of a portion of the men going without their parcels is intolerable. The Morning Post is, we are glad to note, making special efforts in support of the Fund, and publishes full information in its columns daily.