Market matters
From Mrs Tessa Collins Sir: Were I a member of Mrs Shirley William's constituency I should be most grateful to her for making so clear, before I cast my vote, the esteem in which she is prepared to hold the views of other constituents if they happen to differ from hers on British membership
of the EEC.
When the people eventually choose whether or not this country remains in the Common Market, and when we once again invest our Collective Sovereignty in our Sovereign Parliament, I feel we will manage to "muddle through" without the likes of Mrs Williams and Mr Jenkins, whose petulant attitude appears to be, "If we're, bowled out we won't play any more. After all, despite our present misfortunes we are still British, and with the right captain (Enoch Powell, for example) quite capable of playing the game and of winning it.
Sorry Shirley — it will take more than the threats (or are they promises?) of resignation from a few Euro-Fanatics to skin our noses!
Tessa Collins
15 Milford Road, Newcastle-UnderLyme, Staffs