12 OCTOBER 1974, Page 4

Sir: In reply to the letters of D. E. Folkes

Esq, and Miss Judith Empson (September 2), it seems inconceivable to any true Conservative that Mr Enoch Powell cari ever lead the Conservative Party.

At the last geheral election, Mr Powell advocated voting Labout to his supporters and thus deprived many Conservative candidates in marginal constituencies of a majority; which therefore brought about the defeat of a Conservative government and helped to implement Labour's radical policies. How, then, can a party ever place its

trust in a man who deserts them when the battle commences? In regard to Miss Empson's final paragraph, if Mr Powell never "jumps on any old bandwagon, when it is going in the right direction," what does she think he is doing standing as the UU candidate for South Down?

The vast number of moderate Conservatives, all over this country, would

never be able to support a party led by someone who has already deserted them once. In conclusion, if the country realises the question facing it in the forthcoming general election, then !AiHeath as Prime Minister will be leading the Conservative Party for many years to come.

M 21 Park Road, Ramsgate, HEirn


PlirYs Sir: May I suggest that if Conservatives wish to foster national unity they could start by not presenting council estates as desolate ghettoes inhabited by shiftless incompetents, or, alternatively, as earthly paradises stuffed with consumer-durables at the expense of the hard-pressed owner-occupier. BOth. views cannot be true: in fact, neither is. L A. Partridge 72 Eastfield Avenue, Bath