Wake up, Emma
From Mr Herb Greer Sir: Emma Williams ('Why Sharon wants war', 5 October) is solemn but blithe from Jerusalem. She is especially blithe about the Palestinians, who are to have a state, she says, 'beginning with internal reform'.
Hello—o! I have been listening to that 'internal reform' mantra for a few years now — while Yasser has become weaker, more corrupt, more ruthless and more violent (going in for lynching, torture, and other sweeteners to keep in line the few remaining Palestinians who look up to him). And will this 'internal reform' include Islamic Jihad, Hamas, and the other fatbelt groups who have the support of most Palestinians — and are as determined as ever to destroy the Israeli state and, as they put it, finish the job that Hitler started?
Those anguished but 'reasonable' Israelis she quotes are not unlike the 1930s Jews who supposed that if they were well behaved, the Nazis would be 'reasonable' and co-exist with them. I mean, wake up and smell the blood, Emma.
Herb Greer
Salisbury, Wiltshire