Int Court.
THE King and Queen dined on Monday at Busby Park, and on Tuesday visited Sir Gore Ousely at his seat near Blackwater.
On Wednesday, their Majesties arrived in town from Windsor about one o'clock ; and at two the King held a Levee. It was attended, as usual, by the principal Officers of State and of the Household ; but the general company was very thin ; the Dukes of Buccleuch and Dorset, Marquis Wellesley, with Lords Strathmore and Canterbury, being the only Peers After the Levee, the King held a Privy Council, at which the Speeds on the prorogation of Parliament was settled.
In the evening, his Majesty gave a dinner-party at St. James's Palace. The Marquisses Wellesley and Conyngbam, Earl and Countess of Denbigh, and Lord Elpbinstone, were the principal guests. On Thursday, the King went ill the usual state to prorogue the Par- liament. In the state-coach were the Earl of Albemarle and the Marquis of Queensberry. The weather was wet, the spectators were few ; and as the courtly chronicler gives no indication of the King's reception having been enthusiastic from the few who went to see the show, we presume the whole affair was flat. The King returned to the Palace about three o'clock. In the evening, he gave a dinner party to the Dukes of Dorset and Buccleuch, Marquis Conyngham, Lord Wharncliffe, Lord Ducie, Lord Alaryborough, Lord Elphinstone, and several military officers.
The Queen accompanied by Lord Denbigh, Miss Begot, and Lady Kennedy Erskine, visited the Diorama and the Colosseum in the morning.
Yesterday the King held a Privy Council; and afterwards gave au- dience to Lord Melbourne, Lord Auckland, Lord Palmerston, and Captain Back, on his return from his Northern expedition., Their Majesties returned to Windsor in the evening. The Levees are discontinued until further notice.