Ill HTI1S.
On the 3d inst., at Thornham, Suffolk, the Lady of Sir AUGUSTUS II. Herrmann, tart., of a son. On the 8tit inst., Mts. livenv Quist, of Pulhorongli Place. Vanxhall. of a son.
On the 5th lust., at Tunhi idge Melts, the Lady of WILLIAM LOFTUS LOWNDES, Esq.. of a sou. On the 5th inst.. at Leeds Castle, the Lady of the Rev. RICHARD FIENNES WYKEHASI MARTIN, of it daughter. still le,cn. On the 6th inst.. at Brighton, the Lady of GEOROE BLAIR Hsu, Esq., of a son, still.
On the 2d inst.. 11.e ROL JOHN BLACKBURN. of Attereliffe, Yorkshire, to Soenis. Youngest danatter of t he late Charles his it.g on. Esq. On the 5111 Inst., by special limner. at Gorbandoary. the seat of the Earl of Verulani. She Earl of Citron's; to the I tidy Emmy MARY stow' on, second daughter of the Earl and Countess of Vernium.
On the 5th inst., at Si Martin' Fields. Oxr.vv Toros. Esti.. of Colernin Street, to hi ARIA COLLET 1. second daughter of I obeli Palgleish. Esq.. Whitehall. On the 2d inst.. at Leyland. in the county of Luneaster. the celemony has ing been pevionsiv perfinmed in the Catholic chapel at Euxion Ball, FREDERICK SEWALLIS °MAIM:Esq.. of Asiad Home, in that mum y. brother of Sir John Geraol. Hart., to MANY ANN. eldest daughter or the Rev. Thomas Wilkinson, Vicar of Kilk Hallam. in the county of Derby. • On the 5th WEL. at Trinity Church. St. Marylebone, CAROLINE MARDARET, eldest daughter of W. Etherington, Esq., or the Legaey Ditty (Mit e. to Don A env. VILLA LOBOS, Commissioner WI National Education lions bet Catholic Majesty the Queen of Spain, anti m officer of her Majesty's (glimmer Department On the 8t1i inst. et Loneldon. the lion. mad Rev. I'. A. IRBY to WI7 DELIEJNA. eldest daughter or the late Vavid Powell. Esq , of Loughlin], Essex.
On the 8th inst., at Largo, Fifeshire, Mr. A LEXANI.ER LESLIE.
On Sunday last, at the Falcon inn. Gravesend. in consequence of the upsetting of a boat on the River, the Hon. Mrs. CHARLEs PETRE.
On the 28th ult.. at Dingwall, Ross-shire, Many, the eldest daughter of the late Provost it ohert son, of that place. On the 31st ult., at Fasqtle Kineardinesbire, the residence of his brother, ROBERT GLADSTONE. Hsq , of Liverpool. On the 1st inst.. at Brighton. aged nine months, the Hon. EI.IZA IIII0%t4E, fifth daughter oh the Right Hon. Lord Kilmaine. On the 1st inst., at Hastings. in her 65th year. FRANCES MARY ANNE, widow of the late Joseph Hume. Esq.. of the General Pust-011ice. On the 2tt inst., suddenly. at Aberysto Rh. Joust Esq., of the Bank of England. and of Itolles Street, Cavendish Square. in his 55111 year.