The English Funds have shown a tendency to improvement ; and the ami- cable adjustment of the political differences between the two Houses of Parlia- ment, together with the approach of the termination of the Parliamentary ses- sion, by which all present fears of disturbance are for a time removed, caused a rise of per cent. ; and Consols for Account were as high as 91. The price has, however, since receded to the extent of the improvement. The repayment of the advances made by the Bank, pursuant to a recent notice, became due yes- day ; but as the money is not wanted for payment of the agreed claims under the West Indian Compensation Act till the2nd of next month, the period fcr the repayment of the advances has been extended for a fortnight. The report to which we last week alluded, of a large surplus remaining in the hands of the Government, and its applications under the provisions of the Act to investment in the Public Securities, is still prevalent ; but we are not able to add any thing to the previous information upon that point. In the Foreign Market, the only fluctuations that have taken place have been in Spanish Stock. On Tuesday, several considerable sales occurred, and the price was depressed to 137k; since which, the market has reached to 39, but again receded nearly to its previous low quotation. The sudden depression was occasioned by the refusal of the agents of the Government here to accept the whole amount of some bills drawn upon them by the Secretary of the Treasury at Madrid. Part of the bills so drawn were accepted ; and when the refusal to accept the remainder became known, they were accepted, for the honour of the Government, by the house charged with the military agency of the auxiliary forces. This circumstance, added to the nature of the advices from the seat of war, and the continued embarrassments by which the Government of the Queen seems to be at present surrounded, may sufficiently account for the languid state of the Bonds in this market, it is, however, anticipated, that in the early part of next week intelligence will be received of the arrival of M. AIENDIZABAL at Madrid ; and those who were honoured by the confidence of that gentleman when in England, expect much from his practised ability, perseverance, and integrity.
To-day, a rumour has been prevalent, that our Government is about to despatch a large reinforcement to our naval force now on the North coast of Spam, and that a more direct interference in the affairs of the Peninsula is meditated.
Several letters have been received from the officers of the auxiliary forces en- gaged in the affair at Hernani, which all speak in the highest terms of the con- duct of the British troops, in this their first action with the Carlists. The Carlist version of the affair, as it appears in the French papers, must therefore be entirely incorrect. The movement WWI merely a reconnoissance in force; and as it was never intended to hold the positions from which the enemy were driven, the word retreat is totally inapplicable to the leisurely retirement of the combined forces from the field.
The other Foreign Funds have been but little affected. The prices of Portuguese Securities, which usually sympathize with those of Spanish Stock, have been supported by the favourable intelligence recently received from Lisbon.
The South American Stocks are comparatively neglected.
The Conant Market is heavy this morning, the price for account being 904 I. Our transactions have, however, been very few. The Spanish Stork has expe- rienced a decline of more than 1 per cent., occasioned by the intelligence from Madrid and the continued decline of the Stock in Paris ; the price is now 36/1 37. Scrip 2312,3 dig. SATURDAY,EOli O'CLOCK. The afternoon has been passed in complete inactivity. Consols have been 90i II for Account, but close at the morning's price, viz. 90i i. The Spanish Market continues heavy ; the Bonds at 36i, and the Scrip at 24 23i dis. S • er Cent. Consols ..... „ 90* * I Dutch 21 per Cents 53/ 4* Ditto for Account 905 5 1 French 3 per Cents --- Bank Stock .. —
New 34 per Cent. Annuities — Greek. 1825.5 per Cents. ...
Mexican 6 per Cents aft 35
Exchequer Bills 851 86 Om .. i .. In —
18 20pm. Portuguese 3 per Cents
Belgian 5 per Cents. ex. div. 101* Do.Regency 3 per Cent 541 5
Danish 3 per Cents 77* Russian, 1822. 5 per Cent.. 107{ex div. Brazilian 5 per Cents......„ 864 Spanish, 1821, 5 per Cent.. 364 Ditto New Scrip 5 Cent.... 23 23i dis