Accounts from Lisbon have been received during the week. M.
MENDIZIBAL bad arrived in that city, on his road to Madrid to Accounts from Lisbon have been received during the week. M. MENDIZIBAL bad arrived in that city, on his road to Madrid to
assume the functions of Finance Minister. He was re- ceived with marked distinction by the Queen, and her mother the Dutehess of BRAGANZA ; and is said to have effected a recon- ciliation between them. It will be recollected that the illustrious ladies quarrelled about the turning out of SILVA CARVALHD, a few months ago.
A difference has arisen betwen the Courts of Sardinia and For- tuga!,—iiiconsequence, it is rumoured, of the refusal of the young widow Queen to accept of the Prince CARIGNAN° as a second husband. It is certain that the Portuguese Minister has been ordered to quit the Sardinian territories.
Some large sales of national property have taken place, by order of SiLVA CARVALHO. At first, from some cause unexplained, it pro- duced but low prices; but subsequently, a considerable quantity of land was sold at three times the amount of the valuation. The Mi- guelites purchased freely ; and hence it is fairly enough concluded that all chance of the Monster's return is given up as hopeless by his own partisans.