12 SEPTEMBER 1868, Page 1

The reported outbreak of disturbances on the north-west frontier of

India may betoken the beginning of another little war—possibly a very serious one. The independent tribes have attacked our frontier posts, and it is said the villagers on the British side took their part. It has been necessary to despatch to the scene a Ghoorkha regiment, a company of native cavalry, a battery of artillery, and 500 men of the 35th Regiment armed with Suiders, the effect of which, we are told, has been reassuring, though it is not stated that those who committed the disturbances have been defeated. Anglo-Indians have long been affirming that the fron- tier is unsafe, and that a new and much more serious Sittana cam- paign may be looked for. The scene of this outbreak is apparently not quite the same, the Huzara district being south of Peshawur, while the Mahabun is to the north ; but every tribe will be excited, and they are already too well disposed to rise.