Some Oxfordshire Liberals appear to be anxious to lose the
single seat which they can certainly secure. An announcement has been made that they are not satisfied with the arrangement -4' of the county squires to allow Mr. Henley, Colonel North, and Mr. Cartwright to walk over the course, and are determined to start another Liberal candidate ; and if they cannot find one resi- dent in the county, to find one outside." Those who are con- versant with Oxfordshire politics, however, will guess pretty easily from what quarter this announcement comes, and will know that the arrangement which the Liberals had made is by no means the Arrangement of " the Squires," but of the rank and file of the Liberal party, in the towns as elsewhere. The Oxfordshire Tories had intended to start three Tory candidates, and will certainly start three if the Liberals start two. The Conservatives them- selves proposed to withdraw their third candidate (Colonel Fane) if the Liberals would start only one, and we believe that on the Liberal committee which entertained that proposition and decided upon it there was but one squire. Mr. W. C. Cartwright, whose able and thorough-going Liberal address has been published this week, is really the nominee of the whole party of Oxfordshire Liberals, town and country ; and if he is not returned, we believe 'no one who knows anything of the matter will entertain the slightest hope of the return of a Liberal at all.