12 SEPTEMBER 1868, Page 3
Yesterday and on Friday week tho leading British Railway Shares
loft off at the annexed quotations :- Sept. 4.
Sept. 11.
Sept. 4.Sept.
IL Great Eastern 384
Lon.,Chathamt&Dove 18
184 Great Northern 106ex. 0. 1064 Metropolitan 107 1061 Great Western 494 50 Midland 1074x. d. 1084 Lancashire&Yorkshire 1274x. d. 1281
Nrth-Esatern, Berwick 9134ez. d
984 London & Brighton .. 514 524
Do. York 86ex. 0.
871 Lon. & North-Western 1124x. d. 104
South-Bestegu 76ex. d
763/4 Lou. & South-Western 88 874