The Univers has been again suppressed, or rather suspended, for
a fortnight ; and on this occasion, even his warmest admirers will have little sympathy with M. Veuillot in his temporary seclu- sion. The offence is a seandalum magnatum, gross enough for the readers of "Pere Duchene," and written with the venomous point and gloating sarcasm which now and then make M. Veuillot resemble Voltaire masquerading as a sacristan. The Univers, which formerly, was a Catholic journal, with Legitimist tendencies, might now be more fitly described as a Legitimist journal with Catholic tendencies; and since the Count de Chambord has made himself the despair of his adherents, nothing has been sacred to this orthodox sapeur, The Due de Broglie has been calumniated with an unsleeping malignity. Marshal MacMahon is now sneered at as the "Bayard (de nos temps modernes)"—a sneer which, by the way, strikes the Count de Chambord en ricochet. In his last article, Marshal Serrano was indelicately gibbeted as "M. Alphonse," and Queen Isabella alluded to in terms that ought not to be applied in an Ultramontane journal to a lady who received so many marks of the Pope's respect and affection. It will pro-
bably be the Pope's turn next. M. Venillot is certainly playing M. Gambetta's game to perfection. His friends ought to advise him to make a spiritual "retreat" under Mgr. Dupanloup, specially addressed to the virtues of lrtunility and charity, and perhaps to take a course of very alkaline waters at the same time.