The papers are still full of rumours about Sir D.
Wolff's mission to Constantinople. He has been most graciously received, but has been directed to confer with two special Ministers, and accordingly does confer, without, it is said, mach result, except expenditure of time. The Sultan does not want to be burdened with the Soudan, and does want sovereignty in Egypt ; and as Lord Salisbury wants him to govern the Soudan, and does not want him to reign in Egypt, their points of view are not recon- cilable. It is probable that the British Envoy is entrusted with some offer which tempts the Sultan; but his Majesty is disposed to doubt whether it is safe to treat before the elections, and he therefore spins out the negotiations. It is now reported that Sir H. D. Wolff will remain in Turkey till October, when a further delay till December will not seem unreasonable. The Turkish Commissioners will be horribly sick oftthe Englishman ; but they will confer till the twentieth centusirif necessary, and he can easily have slight attacks of illness. Meanwhile, the good electors at home will be told that " the Egyptian question is approaching a solution."