Mr. Amery took up the Commission's deprecation of any partition
of the Mosul area and went further, saying that the frontier which the Commission had so lukewarmly suggested as a pis alter was, in fact, an impossible one from all points of view. In his answer on behalf of Turkey Tewfik Bey abused Great Britain generally and declared that the people of Mosul desired union with Turkey. He blamed the mandatory system and raised cleverly the questions whether the Anglo-Iraq Treaty was consistent with a mandate from the League, and whether, if Mosul were still a technically Turkish territory, the League had any right now to put it under a mandate. The report was then referred to a Committee of the three delegates of Sweden, Spain and Uruguay. Other matters dealt with by Committees or the Council were the opium traffic, the protection of women and children in the Near East, minorities in Lithuania, and Austrian finance.