[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—The Committee of tbe Birmingham Settlement believe that there may be some among your readers who will be inte- rested in the openings for social work offered by the Settlement, which was founded twenty-six years ago in one of the poorest districts of the city. The Settlement occupies four large old- fashioned houses, and has rooms for sixteen residents besides clubrooms and a large assembly hall. Residents may be women who are able to give the whole of their time to the needs of the neighbourhood, or women having their own pro- fessional work who help in the Settlement activities in the evenings, or they may be students reading for the Social Study Diploma of the University of Birmingham, for which the prac- tical training may be taken under the direction of the Warden of the Settlement.
Among the many branches of work undertaken by the Settlement are clubs for girls, boys and men, women's meetings, provident collecting and after-care of children leaving school. There is a branch office of the Birmingham Citizens' Society which deals with all forms of relief, and a branch of the Poor Menlo Lawyer Association, and there is also a municipal nursery school. To the people of the neighbourhood the Set- tlement is a place where they can come for help in all their troubles.
There will probably be two or three vacancies for residents in September. Those who would like further information arc asked to make early application to the Warden, Miss K. C. Dewar, M.A., who will be glad to answer any inquiries.—I am, The Birmingham Settlement, Hon. Secretary. 318 Summer Lane, Birmingham.