Sir: Noel Malcolm's article on Greece was not only a
masterpiece in terms of narra- tion, but also an absolutely accurate, per- ceptive account of Greece's treatment of its minority groups and weaker neighbours. For too long now the West has dismissed Greece as a 'basket case' and in so doing they have failed to notice its appalling human rights record and the danger it poses to its neighbours, especially Mace- donia.
The article clearly (and brilliantly) illus- trates the absurd paranoia displayed by the Greek government with respect to the Macedonian issue and the extent of its emotive propaganda within its borders and beyond.
Greece's denial of the existence of the Republic of Macedonia reflects its sinister plan to commit genocide on the presently defenceless Macedonian people. Their past treatment of Macedonian, Turkish and other minorities proves that the Greek government is capable of this unthinkable atrocity.
Congratulations must go to Noel Mal- colm for opening the eyes of those who thought that Greece was just a backward, resort country.
Silvana Desovska
29 Frederick Street, Rockdale, NSW, Australia