12 SEPTEMBER 1998, Page 55

High life

Power obsessed


WGstaad hy don't we start by cutting the bullshit. Martin Jacques, Geoff Mulgan, Charles Leadbeater and the rest of the Marxist rabble — and that includes NatWest, the RAC, British Gas and the other money-bags that finance them — are a tiny group of low-life bums obsessed with gaining power not through the ballot-box but through spin and stealth.

They are funded by big business and are out to influence policy at No. 10. Their organ, Demos, wants the Queen stripped of the few political powers that are left to her. So what else is new? I'll tell you in a jiffy.

After the second world war, all but the most ardent Stalin fans were forced to admit that the old boy had overdone the killing bit. Some, however, stayed loyal to Uncle Joe. They called themselves Marxists and continue to do so today. Never mind that Stalin liquidated over 20 million of his own citizens, with man-made famines in the Ukraine killing another 14 million. Stalin was sexy, to use a Vogue magazine term, as were Lenin and Mao.

In fact, communist totalitarianism was sexy, and to hell with those busybodies who objected to the greatest experiment in gov- ernment through mass murder: 72 million dead in China, 20 million in Russia, 2.3 million in Cambodia, 2 million in North Korea, 1 million in Vietnam, 1.7 million in Africa and so on. In his Black Book of Communism, the French scholar Stephane Courtois gives the butcher's bill as 100 mil- lion on four continents.

So what's 100 million dead, give or take a million? In the smart salons of America and Europe, not much! What was important was to be with it: progressive and liberal. The vast infiltration of the US government during the Forties and Fifties was seen as a figment of the drunken mind of Senator Joe McCarthy and his ilk. Danny the Red, as Cohn-Bendit was called by an adoring French press, led bourgeois Frog students to riot against de Gaulle just as their Czech counterparts were being crushed by Soviet tanks in Prague. The international 'peace' campaign against the neutron bomb, baldly contrived by the Soviets, took on the halo of goodness against evil.

Now we know that there were reds under the bed, after all. Izzy Stone, the Washing- ton-based gadfly of the Left, now thankful- ly in that sauna-like place below, turns out to have been on the pay-roll of the Evil Empire. Once again I'll ask you, so what else is new?

Not so long ago, the New York Times ran a quaint little human interest story about a bunch of aging radicals who live together in a place in California called Sunset Hall. The wacky old bunch are kept young at heart by their devotion and love for com- munist totalitarianism. The New York Times quoted them by name, proudly recalling the good old days when Stalin ruled the roost. Now I ask you, would any newspaper run a cute story if it had discov- ered a bunch of lovable but wacky old Nazis living in California with a bust of Hitler discreetly displayed and quote them recalling the good old days when the Fiihrer went prancing around in his Leder- hosen? Er, I do not think so.

Mind you, the Demos Marxists are not old enough to recall the good old days of Uncle Joe. They are all British, have never suffered under totalitarianism, and have never seen the inhuman suffering imposed by Marxism on fellow human beings. They are intellectuals who crave power but do not have the personal courage of a true totalitarian to try to grab it at the end of a gun. So they worm themselves inside No. 10, curry favour with 'natural' leftists like Mo Mowlam and Jack Straw, and begin to claw their way up the greasy pole by chip- ping away at the one institution that stands in the way of power-grabs: the monarchy.

I have seen what happened to my country when former politicians were nominated by their own kind and took over the monarch's role. Corruption and more corruption. Andreas Papandreou, the greatest thief in Greek political history, managed to steal the country blind only because there was a straw man sitting in the place of the king. If the British people want this, who am I, a poor little Greek, to stop them? But let me know in time so I can move to Kosovo.