A large public meeting at Leeds has affirmed the excellency
of the educe - tional plans propounded by the Lancashire Public Schools Association, and the necessity for carrying them out by a national enactment.
Mr. John O'Connell has written to the Bepealers of Ireland, announcing that his "career is nearly run," and that if the Repeal Association is still to endure they must make an "immediate demonstration" in the shape of more liberal subscriptions. If "you choose that it should stop, you have but to continue for another fortnight to withhold your support, and you desire will be accomplished."
A. meeting of Congregational Dissenting ministers, assembled at Liverpool on Thursday, "disavowed all connexion with or future communication with" Dr. Nolan of Manchester.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, with the assistance of Mr. Justice Pattison and Sir John Dodson the Queen's Advocate, is holding a Visitation Court at Doctors' Commons, to remedy alleged grievances in the management of Dul- wich College-the absorption of its funds by the leading officers, andthe nonex- tension of the school with the magnified wealth of the establishment.
Two hundred and twenty-nine plans of a building for the Show of In- dustry in Hyde Park have been received by the Royal Commission-thirty- four of them by foreigners.