An important meeting of French bionamtucal Representatives was held at
the Palace of the Conseil d'Etat in Paris, on Wednesday night. M. Thiers portrayed the existing situation in gloomy colours, and then stated that he was ready to take upon himself the responsibility of all measures neces- sary for the salvation of the country ; but he wished to be informed catego- rically by the Legitimist party whether they would pledge him their support, if he should accept such a position as would enable him to take an energetic course. On behalf of the Legitimista, M. Berryer declared that they would not pledge themselves with regard to the future or lend their cooperation to found any establishment contrary to the intereas of their party. M. Thiers retired profoundly sad.
In consequence of the violent speeches made in some of the election meet- ings in Paris, the Government has issued orders forbidding election meetings in the seventh, tenth, and eleventh arrondissements, and also at Charenton.
A "battalion" of infantry, in passing through the city. of Angers, was entertained at a dinner by the Democrats. In the evening the soldiers paraded the streets with the leading Democrats, shouting " Vive la Republique Democratique et Sociale r The Government has sent instructions to dis- band the "regiment," and draft the soldiers into the Algiers army.
The Pope actually left Partici on the 5th instant ; was to dine that day at Caserta, to sleep the first night at Less; the second night at Terracina; and bold speculators say he would reach Rome on the 13th or 14th.
Telegraphic news from Berlin, of the 10th instant, states that the Govern- ment, moved by the had effects of its policy at Erfurt, is disposed to modify its instructions to General Radowitz, and to concede to the Bond the privi- lege of declaring war against non-Gerraan members of the Confederation.
The document of formal abdication by Charles Anthony Prince of Hohen- zollern Sigmaringen, in favour of the King of Prussia, appears in the Prus- sian Gazette.
General Avitabile, celebrated as the organizer of Runjeet Singh's artillery, died of apoplexy, on his possessions at Castel Mare, in the beginning of the month.