Two Divisions.
The House of Commons has concluded the tenth week of its actual sittings, and during that period Ministers have sustained four absolute defeats, and one so closely bordering on a defeat as to warrant its being reckoned the fifth. The following is a note of these Ministerial mishaps, February 15. Registrars Office Bankruptcy Bill : On the motion to go into Committee, Mr. Henley moved as an amendment that the sub- jest be referred to a Select Committee; Ministers opposed the amend; ment, but it was carried by (Tellers included) 63 to 59.
March 5. limber-duties: Mr. Mitchell's motion that the House should go into Committee with the view of remitting the duty on wood used in shipbuilding, carried against Ministers by 47 to 34. April 8. Naval Assistant-Surgeons : Captain Bobiaro's amendment, that "the acommodation provided for the Assistant-Surgeons an board her Majesty's ships of war is inadequate and insufficient for securing the full benefit of their professional service," carried by 50 to 42. Apra 9. Window-tax : Lord Duncan's resolution calling for repeal, only lost by 82 to 79.
April 10. County Courts Extension Bill : the second reading of Mr. Fitz- roy's bill to extend the jurisdiction to MI., carried over Sir George • Grey's amendment that the second reading take place that day auc months, by 146 to 69. An analysis of this last .division presents the following features :
The majority, composed of-Liberals ...., 79 Conservatives 67 - 146 The minority, composed of-Liberals Et • Conservatives 13 38 I'lacemen .... Si - 69 Nantes of the Minority.
Liberals, 23. Fordyce, A. D. Russell, F. C. Henley, J. W. Armstrong, Sir A. French, 1'. • Strickland, Sir G. Law, Hon. C, F. Bouverie, Hon. E. 1'. Grace, 0. D. Wall, C. B. Lockhart, W. Brotherton,Joseph. Howard, C.W. G. Wyvill,M. Long, W.
Childers, J. Macnaghten, Sir E. Conserra1ws, 15. Ligon, General
Chaplin, W. J. Martha, S. Chichester, Lord J. 3IcNefll, D.
Dalrymple, Captain 'Morgan, H. E.G. Denison, E. B. 'Moody, C. A.
Denison, J. E. Monson, Sir W. Fellows, E. hiapier,Joseph Divett, E. Mulgrave, Earl of Greene, T. _Newdegabe, C.N. Fergus, J. Power, N. Belford, Sir H. Spooner, R.
If the division be viewed as a lawyer's question, the legal mind is evolved thus :
For the BR1-(Barristers, 13) Mr. Aglionby; Mr. ED. Brockman, Mr. Cockburn, Ci.C. ; Mr. Evans, Q.C. ; Mr. Ewart ; Mr. J. A. Ilardcastle; Mr. Ileadiam ; air. James Heywood ; Mr. Hildyard, Q.C. ; Mr. Plumptre ; Mr. Walpole, Q.C. ; Mr. Walter; Mr. Page Wood, Q:C.; (Solicitors, 2) Mr. BremriiW; Mr. Mulling& Against the Bill- (Barristers, 7) Mr. Greene; Hon. Mr. Law, K.C.; Mr. Duncan M'Iiieill (Scotch Advocate); Sir E. Maenaghten; Mr. Martin, Q.C.; Mr. linear, Q.C. ; Sir G. Strickland.
The following gentlemen occupying positions of more or less influence on their respective sides of the House voted for the bill :
Mr. Bright ; Mr. W. Brown ; Sir M. N. Burton; Sir William -Clay ; Mr. -Cobden; Mr. Pox; Mr. Milner Gibson ; Sir B. Hall ; Mr. Hume ; Mr. Lushington; Sir Wil- liam Molesworth; Lord Dudley Stuart ; Colonel Thompson ; Mr. Christopher; Mr. Herries ; Lord John Manners ; Colonel Sibthorp; Mr. Augustus Stafford ; Sir jOhn Tyrell.
The Protectionist assault of yesterday was warded off by Ministers with a vigorous whip ; -the Ministerial votes amounting to 250, and the Anti- Ministerial to 159.
Of the Liberals and the Peel party the following voted with Ministers :
' Mr. Aglionby ;Lord Arundel; Sir T. Birch ; Mr. Bouverie ; Mr. Bright ; Mr. Bro- therton ; Mr.W. Brown ; Mr. Cardwell; Sir 'William-Clay; Mr. Cobden ; Mr. Cock- burn.; Mr. Cowan ; Mr. D'Eyncourt; Viscount Duncan; Mr. George Duncan ; Sir De Lacy Evans ; Mr. Ewart ; Mr. M. Forster; Mr. W. J. Fox ; Mr. Milner Gibson; Mr. Goulburn ; Sir James Graham ; Lord R. Grosvenor ; Sir B. Hall; Mr. :Henry; Mr. L. Heyworth ; Mr. Horsman; Alderman Humphery ; Mr. Hutt; Mr. Kershaw ; Mr. Lushington ; Mr. DPGregor; Mr. Masterman; Sir William Molesworth; Mr. Mowatt; Mr. -Charles Pearson ; Sir Robert Peel; Colonel Salway; Mr. Poulett Scrope ; Lord Dudley Stuart • Colonel Thompson ; Mr. Trelawny ; Sir Joshua
Wahnesley ; Mr. Page Wood; 5:41d.
The Liberals in , cop tion ' were few; the only notables being Mr. liume, Mr. Mentz, and Lord Nugent.