Pflug ill fJjrteiritur.
THE NEW STAMP-DUTIF.S. . April 10, 1850. Sin—The grievance of which your correspondent "C. S.' from Idanches, ter complains, namely, the existence of a stamp-duty of 11. 15s. formerly im- posed on the "lease for a year," a -document before the Act 4 and 5 Vie.- cap. 21, necessary in ordinary modes of assurance, and retained after the "lease for a year" was abolished by that statute, is to be removed. This is proposed to be effected by the fourth section of the present hill, a copy of which section I subjoin. The measure would indeed have been manifestly imperfect without this amendment.
believe "C. S." to be right in his estimate of the amount of stamp-duty. payable on the principal sums he names, and that I probmify misinterpreted that part of the schedules to the bill. The ether calculations which I gave you must fortunately be .free from similar error.