A. Mason, the inventor of the hygrometer which bears his name, was ordered M Nice, by Sir James Clark, for a pulmonary affection. During the, journey, a relation was attacked 11 a brain fever, at Dieppe; and Dr. Mason sedulously attended him till • his convalescence. This delay rendered Nice no longer advisable as a residence, on account of the season; and a commu- nication from Sir James Clark recommended Madeira.
To Madeira, therefore, Dr. Mason went; and:he may be said to have hastened his death by the ardour with which he engaged in observations on the climate, and on the completion of some theories founded on the factshe had collected. After residing nearly two 'years at Madeira, more occupied with his pursuit than his health,
. Mason at length embarked for Nice; . and reached it to die. Scarcely had he arrived there and sat down to dinner, "when he was compelled to exchange the table for his bed"; which he never left again—he eipired within a fortnight. The workeomposed under such circumstances became thepro- perty of the widow's second husband ; and it is now published under the superintendence of Mr. Sheridan Knowles. To Dr. I,dason's tabular facts in relation to the temperature, mois- ture, and- other- features of the climate, and the theories he has founded thereupon are added Some further thermometric and hygrometric observations, niade by Mr. M'Euen of Phila- delphia and' by Mr. Young of London, in 18484849; 'an essay • A Treatise on the Climate and Metefirology-of Madeira:Ey'the late J. A. Mason, Inventor of Mason's HygromeMr.-Eilltedhy Jaaleggheridan Knowles, To which are attached, a Review of the State of Agriculture and of the Tenure of Land, by George Peacock, D.D., F.R.S., ice., Dean of Ely, and Lowndean Professor of Astronomy in the University of Cambridge; and an Historical and Descriptive Account of the Island, and Guide to Visiters, by John Driver. Consul for Greece, Madeira. Published by Churchill; and Deighton and Laughton, Liverpool. fiom e s n qiuktiti4 Pt fti440i4ergni fottPratAliWithliiVietilgegait41111,PWROM avARAtlitaelaitegra 'be-, asiuda thetaile iasaltes4yebitigediivith imemuoliierneaxlraamnelt us ; iciantlemiyokot litii.rhoto4erkhstlythiethtiiemtitii* the-oknitbWfratn! lker idathelittab. el4,1144-4,Eteibtinii ni.4s- tool orr4bak,ithleer eIgNiXACVnagi,tt. AO' 1L-WW441•414W trafdP14,4114Fil:.t n;iltfolaitVAPV•s0;Yle OilfgraI,Pitwer)bes14 e riskiof c, e e• 'col& . Aeohlidiy.annos . ihdwever, miry be toeitaolkforAnVali ftecautWthe:ttii inf- , 41.nage,being :raised: 70.V:- _ ' -'teritte eivlitftf&br 'ILO_ iktio6iliplierie- tempt '' )"'X'n414 ACI*Alit -10 from tat LAY, a pehle;ni iliiigni „Teat:ire-, ,e` ,ItinMal. 'heat SO fast as ai... is abstratitooLifloCCOeUrsa4hisa .statentenk, is maile::hroadly.: there -areAntetratediateilsat4401hietrifidactionei ' anti itiiplatititi!pns 'of detail.; ,t14.(fini*V,40 *1, titer:$.4-666.; bnt "-. .ecinelhAkayektOlieVeaWFt *OWN . MaS on's VieW.L _1.. -: Li‘1•5:Cittil' '+1-04,:1411P100.4nggill4 Itg99.11114n4-3:Kliag: .. A , autrigc.:.;uf -elauliteiAttar;tn' IA' luelputh_ the itattini aLthaelimataluulthe Constitu- tion ofthialpatiairt-potherly.qieLanoreihakinithancgoed will hp4one. 2. Thal' 1 dItient_lre4t sEcttinit ' : lit iiiStitnte tr,jeileSof tifpre retilitfiraVile43) . Jig:OW*449'2** .. _ Aoj.t4e4w.'. ..)**'kliwArPonie ",-FfMeir,t9;;tikka.,11ish- iiieielaeiati:viatw*lierialeatfandznielstuiehos; .irmiiiI4-1 -:Tiallsied,b3utitisAleit;.inttititte4 it-Tir:-T-Mtukht-..hrinitdf,vMtideira is yikonbuirced'V'badt) litet'fer_ '-linii.elii:VrlicoM t,i.' fly, 4...sphere . is ilfOreitiAn.1" 411tVikAitV and the tiOrk ni "the British CliariC400-,s f4: f', e.ryjriaty_44;kire. drier than Madeira. , This OpinicaCitkla,tippo Ay. it.v iyiof Specificfacts which would be intereatintehieftylo therlscien a ;reader ; • - and .. illustrated -. by the folk** ' ditSYg '' " ' .:'' .7'. "'To the I. . ,"::.•'.- trder to prove the :danaptieSs'otthe-eliniate,. I' may instarice the iii kern' - nn"itc iinz a! f-tiktiiilie-',i4aPit11.3, oxydized. The ;Ili' to y.til'... ■ . ,..fr.1.1., 7 rte61:=' resell:feu pulverulent 'fa:it Vial . ,i-,,.■ ..' . . "Aal ,..- .'various neutral mita' ramoitieagig ifie.cOyered with *Miens i'-dOeViff
for ' ittii ;,' - ' . ...• :
;, i: :. . • ';iie-irOp :cand Unfit rant the Various other instruniatir; id- •1' ' " 4' . - . dii,,s3 IVA rai ffiyte'ihnest 4astavlobie.,:llinfacitar beinniossible4arrkgetation to iltinish,' were :-„nottheattiaasphere,4Most ale...anted_ issithetimiliturel- as freclaentli0. daring .ftkiPti!,eariktseeirAkeLbleSeJt4i.-140,,fer threg,.ibVz4B4A9411e- MigAlliTM- li Cl ,11 t,:`" ga: - :' :,:i 3?.,,4 at 3.:. e . tikliff eR li? pllit• e4,40.r ,04,..41 arc - e'1 which,
,: bringing t2 a *edified
account Xth T4..„J)3 8,,c#9pTs 49* Inteet0J DCr.1411te.01;fr /4.144Prvi* tfou 41A8 49 by *IN Mims.; -14k4
fith rt9re,i
P-rte. 1;144ti 11 EPP .iyeizil cw3o49thwifer.s.
insensth e. on the state of agriculture and on the tenure of land in Madeira, by Dr. X'eacock, Dean of Ely; and an historical an,d descriptive
d, with vorinuatpracikal information use to . Plyort, Rotlit„ Dr. Peneoek* and. Driv 's goo dog.l ,usefi41 aml-realNorinAin,„ bnhF Al4c,1 *if rivitiligi Pal*fif 411e.174411*. -AP NlifffiSf oponly„fer thapview ikprosenta of,the,clintita.uf t *Ties. s„„onAsfase imelstion to tffilAPfue.re, 0.1111'04g rPirAM.,, I ,:crICRIte. philis ielyt41151PrYeNt4PiAvie ,:e4PretiPg 03PAteAt OiebellierteRft 4941114Pnbtgilw.e:
Oliks P9 0/19tIgtt:e Fmntr
.10F '120 Ati*R. #141erat
• INFI ,Pe419-31Iiittitg9Ra:
,i0W peristp0-QP:
. .
gat: • 14 :: in/ • I 1
.t.. tl 1 ; 110 1,• I . • 1 Old lir Jr
3 -; : ]: ', ' •
1,• . t d Ili! de Tf7Illianp. p 7".tri iffite :•• . '', 1: 'tlitriffulghtlIfFieeeiir , d express themselves strongly that, could they live in a perpetual mild Leste, or pi talaw wants a granav: each .equallyr dry atraosplimeodlutp would soon :Iltfr ireptap TATTII*d!tlr.711e414f4ee
cf0 AV set ilaidn' itis '
t rise . at w,o;ii , , ees eel om recover; - an ap- 7- tfivfimililWa ir.t, tait- ,ftedine.gwitit-iii.trbe . (Rota*: ihit 111111fotid • dAtiditaliihkitlififth 'the S.,Lbste- agre!is ought uotntohlirelikeatsent twlittidtita; as, v under 'the racist ,tubiOirlan3441*. st4.01'.■ Y.1.4.`:....1b!ilY *19 ift€434Ps 'dozen-dar a 'It elm ting, ..cpndition.;. for, tire general coüitiosi oj.lTe ttmospTiéd. - 0, ,dir-eet yr the 'reverse of what they require, thiy" iiitllY woke, frideiiiit Make e sight- ad' einent:--.• le; iletre-wk; thilkinaliglittp of the easeltsIf, but :.In tlr- imlividial-heing.4daseclandur candititinsIheuneatkidikely to jttromise efietrAttiedf.rete, 44,qm.reiqtrik.4,..41:114041.a.,rein.faS,0..ifA.okservatisit.l..sbould - Re frlitlnfkrha .Mititt haeter4ett 43?3,4stet -066. iiiiiii ritliktetIl`b ''aihiliiiigall'dmqii,i% . ' flagiAktire viaa e ., or miligifselo, , er e witho . y. On the those who are' likklyntbederive efiellt fronitai rtisidetide et- Madeira,k, and -May . naturally hopenkailetreinstatediin liealthas7lai as ithairanganav,tonditien ll.lallowfothanw _ gliilinte 914}4your(iblei,a444-.:r,3 f t IPItY.p:ATIQp_?.1.7, bave visited the _ of -thelregtetranean rot . e sake of health, %d. who 'On the other ' d, am,..rpayinaturall,y,m,f441?at'..these nnalms..,Nho cias did tbe iliteCti' trhffiliesiii; fidff-betteirtituflta`Shores and:pioteed to Madeirtr,i Whetb th wMfnd kalif/and permanent condition Of atnieSphere similar tothensiaiicalsiliichiiisitiaciipiesjgathe South of Italy, being -.essentially warm and meist.7,,t, .,.,1,,,-.. If: et.),:i , - . • • i , ' 14 addition to413.9 bcfot'n,men4ipit14. aoxecalat, evil te particular • co,nstio,itipAs,,, there l are in Madeira,:gentgal„ causes of ill health, from malaria- when,tbe-,purifying, j. . -,geole to. blow, and from the dirt agAisagrees,bles,,of the No si,„avhtek however, are per- haps lesAnctw than when Dr.. Maw Atfrete in 1,834-'3.5. , , "In oiglegdfoelucidlite . more clearly si.eqqI&ty of the temPerahirer it will be necessary to in a -few words- gn. ties landana.sea breezes, which are the N. E. nut! S. W. ; I must premise, however, that my observations on this subject refer only to the dishict in which they were made, and to the pre- cise time of their occurrence. *Agffn "It is upon the regularity of those winds that the salubrity of the place depends; for, whenever there is any remarkable or continued variation of such currents, the health of the inhabitants suffers more or less severely; principally, as li imaging, from the surrounding medium being charged with the.elluvia of animal as, well as vegetable substance in a state of putrefac- ' .w '44 on,acOomat of ,the unifermly,high„kemperature and the humidity , iniqfj,, , .ty,..mii.. te,,t4e.takuf,auconleplace..0.1 wish greatrapidit , blo mealtimes being employed
fr,o,piefe or remove e . lad= of' arming from the assemblage
QC.O.YePitY7.09.it41, PPe lig. •' al149.4ere is soon Pure4argnc1. with ten bFeesesilthe latter of which con- „T. 44.441f4,P0144?4, ,liilc rue ,prooau., remlerips ,At ,fower cbon*iiii t over the immense
*moil ononl*4n. lluelf49. R.5 elk in its effgets:ini the iie , ,iFaigate • n„ gacilens
during the summer, and timelvater,pn/w ,is, seldtim reaew .raoit than once a month, in some eases onlf once o or three months, give use to noxious effluvia. The surface of this water is sometimes covered with greet iidimaidillal.ttfiviagaustipiacies,wptooracing tibtuidanse of mosquitoes. " I feel fatty justifies/1n attrituttimodu these SOUT1308 the effect of poison.: th9.e lxA, : i • . . ,,,r .f,ir.-r .T all the,Tmpt promee- i.`. P ' :ts0f ,618, such as keme4de+M .,1 .. ,, ..0Nel,'iiilQUrerand -daysizwithoat , e aid of uriadicaus;:tu Santa Druz, &few miles 0. t tqudith e ' : • , :;.'rldriffiich disappeared ,fathree .• 6.
ifekn,..YIPOthfilif itiu 44/US5IhL Tdksigsalle01IegtffitIVPtell0 TOP- ttftfrr 4bilTdidglffsef hetlfAetzePfit401fd. t41 this .f _.(inntnec.:Ovy, , otpoy , ,wlign,.$9mpireligrAti611 or the • Role lace' 4 t•Tfiel doubt that - ey'Vcald have dm, nifil I. - th4stfiritifit --,hairiii,tieSii entirely got rid of: -b althoughcsfortandlord hadilivea mmegream rin.Ingian4,I had, much ,Maildes,wcomibiae hiuktbstwaterioenlikisi.at all o ;Ionia :after being kept tY4 • ' if ' A feir.ATZ wifiler .0 -u,glitiYg°1ane 8 d•rtatlitt,gtiOtte titilt' eihien of the 1.712472+ sitite7i-winvalildiraff:haittett6Tet:'.'I'.;:;';';' . laiih4d.icithlef4i' i.m-. pcssibillty etn7eeing hiiiii4f frorairsuly &mai ntdieeasey ,." , .ugh the re- moval.of theme might WO estaky,itiffect4.eoultlfftlicustiscks..be mado sensible el thA-dangers4017 " .:114eglaPPAY 94.ffiRT3Seei4411 W(11.'e them- 44v az d.. itg-ilue a:rie le* gestions, There -00 se rs akervations Viii9 1 te of the generalils,' ' St the e te may be exagge- rated: but the fact': co iiioiiiiiire reniairtS unshaken. The ef- fects: of the Lest,e 6 ifi5t pear to be so beneficial as he concludes; foritftieli ' se wituft4blew '. r. Mason had a sharp attack OfillInd expostfre„to tJI4or to the .. =14111 illt-itidiedti6n ' tlitiough, thaC tètfi' v#tilixoli,.Madeira will ii eat vo7 'book,' how eter; ecinsirstiftt ' the • . liclvanefe16 ,character of the atnioiph4e-t =hot,' x-mcdst, awn& :'elf,dets of those fsn/ltffqualities on..the 'human ., ,, Singly or in eo, 'On ; on the iii4pprtpe,-, 'of consid '‘ 'tie influence 6 ' in particular ,coOtiiffens, and on ilin. '-'•i4) riety ofd a variety of
olivrvations to fix the clirait I t 'char es of different places.
It is true, this is .110F, alio f:ilas- long sing' been done : "That eli'Mate is too braehie j(eirtoo'ideXing) fiCikar," is a constant re- mark of medical ittleiti` tit tie' operation of a law is known and , acted upon rope:tilde "thilitifteiPle is discovered. Sir James Clark other writgrilaW -Onitidere4 climate in relation to dryness -:' , r,aoisture, 1116Thar perhaps empirically than systeniati- ei44-killittfal some , observations on the Taciatare relpr. Mason, but tending, Yfthe sam •Vonfoibli6 u :-', ' ' ' the latt4, iiliyaioW has treat4 the' sitj staiticanki - t.sides--dalling 4u6ition of the influence of the ''alicl'on 'tie'k&etion from the skin dud
,.'..; Dar. .
"Ar. tiiriithtirti4,er of icy; ii :- e 'ad; %f."‘liigteill'obsi the nature 4) . of proof ths# lfii) - fiaye'Akat the yigo riglitaL difiany wet one; 'se that hi
attorition to the v atiiiospheres on re,s the lungs.