C.031.311tCIA1... ; ,QAZATZE. , Tuesday, April 9.
Psarzreasnies Dissotre.O.-W. and 'W.' H. Wood, liorncantle,..Lhicolnsbire, mercers-Edwards and Roghes. Ave Jiaria Lane, buolifellers*eleh ahd Co.Tipton , ironmasters; as far as regards A. Bradley-Sinith•and.'Wood, Liverpool, auctioneers -Ince and North, Brunswick Street, Poplar, plumbers-J. and F, Bacon, Royal Oak Yard, Bermondsey Street; tanners-J. and J. Wignall, Kraighley, butter-factors -411arriott and Co. Huddersfield, chemists-W. and W.: 13inns, Siiiiderland,•vioollera- drapers-Hill and Sons, Liverpool, chemise; as far as regards J. ifill-Lunitkand Co.. Castleford, Yorkshire, bottle-anuaufiscturerss-Page and Woodrow. Norwich, curriers -Pridie and Hinton, Birmiugliama.goldsmiths-Gardiner and Coates, Manchester; leather-dealers-Scarlet and Son, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, merchant-tailors-Preaton and _Greaves, Hull, attornies-Spence and Co.. Manchester,joirieraTaweett and Co. Liverpool, engineers ; as far as regards W. W: and T. Sutcliffe, BradlyM.R1, near Burnley; and Sutcliffe and,Co: Barnoldswick, Torlishire, corn, dealers- SeRwood and Sketthley, Horn-castle, attainies, BANE1111P312.—RiCEARD Tamils Prarass,• High Holborn, hotelkeeper„ to surrender April 20, May 18: solicitor. Sutton, Great Ormond Street; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Some Muutirass, Nottingham,. draper, April 19, May 17 : soli- citor, Parsons, Nottingham ; official assignee, Bittleston, Nottingham-Bonner limas Evaras and DAVID Mmunirrit EVAEIL Wrexhain„ drapers, April 25, Hay 16:
solicitors, Evans and Son, Liverpool ; official assignee, Bird, Liverpool. ' - • • Divnirarans.-May 2, Naish and Glennie, Farring,don Streht, ironmongers-fay Melville and Street, Austin • Friars, merchants-May 2, Woollatt, Holborn Hill, draper-May 2„ Caine,. Wood Street, Westminster, brewer--May 2, Cary, Shepton Mallett, Somersetshire, printer-May 1, Gardiner, Birmingham, provision-merchant.
CsavirmArras.-To be -granted, unless rause-be shown to the contrary Oft the day of meeting.-May 2; Woollatt, Holborn Hill, draper-May I, Carttar, Greenisiali; Ann- citcirMay 1, Sharpies, Manchester homer • Dram:tit:mom OF Drvmsame.,-Christy and co. Rotherhithe, engineers ; first div. of 15.C. April 11, and three. subsequent Thursdays; Stansfeld, BaSinghallStreet- Charman, Downside, Cobham, fariner ; first div: of .2a. April 11, and three subsequent Thursdays ; • Stansfeld,Itasinghall Street-Morrisen, Craven Street, Strand, Miler; first div..of 58. April 11, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Stansfeld, VasinghallSt.
Scum{ SBOUESTRATIONs.—Walker, Stonehaven, cattle-dealer, April 15, May 20- Brown,44inburgh. plumber, April lb, May 6-Jeffrey, Glasgow, manufacturer, April Friday, Aprit12.
Psurrasasnrrs Diasor.vran.-Cerrito and Co. Mincing Lane, merchants-Smith and,: Churchill,Rirmingham, chemiati--Blinchard and Co. Poole, ironmongers-'Barker and Co. Norwich, boot and shoe Manufacturers; ALS far as regards W. F. Nowne-- Browne and Howson, Manchester, engineers-Abraham and Co. Eyre Street. HSI, Holborn, loan company; as far as regards J. Brylawski-Catling and Pate, Ely, chemists-Fernandes and Co. Wakefield, bnewerstns far as regards •J. W. Haworth- Browne, :Warminster, ironmongers-Apps and Henison, Keswick, blacklead-pencil- manufacturers-Black and Co. Liverpool, provision-brokers-Hughes and Son. Li- verpool, tiniber-dealers-Smith and •Honsehord; Lakenheath, ;Suffolk, grocers-. ShorthOuse and Hadden, Liverpool, accountants--Robinson and Rdsforth, Healing don, Lancashire, painters-Getty, Brothers, Liverpool, merchants-Cuthbert and Grindlay„Liverpool, ship-brokers-Godbolt and Co. King's Road, Chelsea, builders; as far as regards J. Godbolt-Bradshaw Works Company, near' Bolttin-le-Moors- Hepworth andCo. Hull, woollendrapers-E. and R. W. Bennett, Manchester, attornies-Berles and Co. Mincing Lane, merchants-M. and E. Salter, Tnttenhaut Court Road-Dibb and Sowden: Calverley, grocers-Anderson and Wilson, Glasgow, manufacturers.
Ltratanrre.-Hssav Mumma, Shepherdess Walk, victualler, 'to surrender April 23, May28 solicitor, Brown, Finsbury Place ; official assignee, Stansfeld-JSraras HOSIBALL, Ingram Court, Fenchurch Street, anchor-manufacturer, April 25, May 24: solicitors, Overton and Hughes, Old Jewry; official assignee, Cannan, Birelain Lane-Jsqras Pssasran HOLYLLED, Fore Street, April 26, May 28 : solicitors, Reed and Co. Friday Street; official assignee, Edwards, BasinghaR•Street-JOHN CLARICE, Stourbridge, grocer, April 22, May 27: solicitors, Prescott, Stourbridge; Wright, Birmingham; official assignee, Whitmore„ Birmingham-Pammees Stdrnone and Co. Birmingham, glass-manufacturers, April 25; May. 25: solicitors, Stazbbs and Smallwood, and Metter= and Co. Birminghani; official assignee, Valpy; Birming- hion-Jows DAR TEESDALE, Boston, horse-dealer, May 3, 24: solicitors, Marshall, Boston ; Jabett, Birmingham ; official assignee, Bittleston, Nottirigharn--WILLan :TEEMS, Newport, Monmouthshire; store-keeper, April 29, May 27 solicitors, A'Beckett and Stmpson, Golden Square ; Messrs. Bevan, Bristol; official assignee, Miller, Bristol—SEEJA31114 SYSESE SAIINDEBS, MO0112101, Somerset:Mire,. quarryman, April 23, May 3: solicitors, Poole, Bridgen-ater ; Stogdon, Exeter; official•assignee, Hutzell„ Exeterlirsav Pants, Liverpool, grocer, April /9, 'May 27: solicitors, Neal and Martin, Liverpool; official assignee, Cazinove, Liverpool-J.:tram Gsm.rav WarsoN, Sunderland, grocer. April 23, May 28.: solicitors, 'Chisholmeand Co. Lin- eoln's Inn Fields ; Thompson, Sunderland ; official assignee,..Wakley, Newcastle- npan-Tyne. Drvmmns.-May 3, Lee, Rotherhithe,barge-builderMay•3, .Tickimii,'Colchester, • coal-merchant-May 3, Hag. tie,-Hotherldthe, engineer-May 11,. Biers, Carlton Villas, Edgware .Road, buddei-4Iday 3, Q. and J. Dick, Finsbury Square, merchants-May 7, Gibbie and Ackerman, New Cut, diapers-May 7, Orbell, Romford, horseLdeider May 7, Fielding,. Thame, ironmonger-May 10, Wood, Ditchling, Sussex, butcher -May' 4, Sutton Jun. Atherstone, draper-May 4, Stephenson, Brecon, grocer- Hay 10. Richards, Merthyr Tydvil, Glamorgan, woollendraper-May 13, Harford, Bristol; ironmaster-May 4, Bridgefford, Sheffield, printer-May 4, Simpson; Sheffield, pawnbroker-May 10, Gilmore, Hawthorn- Grove, Durham, whiting-manufacturer- May 7, Chapman; King 'Street, Cheimside, warehouseman-May 6, Whittenbu ManChester, cotton-dealer-May 7, Scott, Manchester, calico-printer-April , 0.• andJ. Barton; Manchester, copper-roller-manufacturers-April 22, Wright, Pendleton, dyer-May 17, Palmer; sea. Stapleford, and Barker; Sandiacre, 'Derby- shire, cotton-doublers.
CERTIFICATEIL—To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of nieeting'.-=-Mity 10, T. and W. E. Sadler, Brightlingsm; Essex, sail-makers-May 7, Wood,Ditchling,. Sussex, butcher-May 6, Matthews, Monmouth, pianoforte-seller i-May 6,- Atkinson, Liverpool, slater-May 8, Holmes, Plymouth, baker-May 8, Smith, Plymouth, shipwright.
Dractsatrraiirs or Drvromms.-Fryer, Little Love Lane, Wood Street, stay-manu- facturer ;.first div. of 28. M. on Wednesday next, and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Graham, Coleman Street-Armson, Carlton 11111, St. John's Wood, builder; first div. of 5a. 244. on Wednesday next, and three eubsequent Wednesdays; Graham, Cole- man Street-Richard and Aiken, Liverpool, div. of 1- 6th of a penny, on any Thursday; Turner,. Liverpool-Trotman, Liverpool, merchant ; third dm. of 344, oz any Thursday; Turner, Liverpool-Morgan. Liverpool, woollendraper - first dm. of 844. on any Thursday; Turner, Live -C. L and W. Wilson, Liverpool, dra- pers; See. div. of 18. 6d. any Thursday; Turner, Liverpool-Askew, Wallasey, Che- shire,- hotelkeeper ; first div of 104. any Thursday ; Turner, • Liverpool-Roberts, draper; third div. of 2d. any Thursday; Turner, Liverpool-A. H. and A. Chimbers, New Bond Street, bankers ; third div. of Is. on Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Groom, Abchurch Line-Francis, Rayleigh, Essex, innkeeper; first div. of 38. 24. Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Groom, Alralourch Lane-Come'. Halsted, Essex, ironmonger ; first div. of 38. 4d. Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays; Groom, Abeiturch Lane. Scaniur Sgromantsmoxs.-Cadzow, Glasgow, carter, April 18, May 9-RirkaldY, Dundee, corn-merchant, April 19, May 7-Walker, Glasgow,. merchant, April 16; Hay 10.