IN the House of Commons last night, Lord Joint RUSSELL, in answer to a statement made by Mr. BAILLIE on the subject of the Schleswig-Holstein question, detailed the several negotiations which had been set on foot with a view to its satisfactory settlement. He then proceeded to observe that while the Danish Go- vernment had fairly and honestly agreed to lay the budget before the Estates of Holstein, it would appear that there had been a predeter- mination on the part of the latter, so far from accepting it; to make it the means of exciting further differences. It was impossible for her Majesty's Government to be indifferent to this question. Their in- fluence had already been exerted upon it in the interests of peace, as it would continue to be, and he trusted that their exertions would be crowned with success.
The adjourned debate upon Sir Sohn Trelaway's motion, relative to New Zealand was resumed. Mr. LOWE vindicated the policy of the Government in New Zea- land, characterizing the claim set up by King as being altogether in- capable of defence, and amounting to an insolent defiance of the su- premacy of the Queen.
After a few words from Mr. ADDEB.LEY, Colonel DusrsE, and Mr. KinnAinn, the resolution was negatived upon a division, by a ma- jority of 38 to 24. The remainder of the sitting was occupied with the consideration of the Navy Estimates in Committee of Supply, and the House ad- journed at an early hour.