13 APRIL 1929, Page 16



Sia,—Mr. Mason and I are hopelessly at variance as to whether the 1924 test of Mr. Weinberg's machine and the 1928 test (which I gather from him never took place, for he says that we Jews have not tested the machine) were a success or not. I was present at the first when it definitely failed. I have before me the unanimous report of the independent Committee on the 1928 test, which was to the effect that the machine had not worked satisfactorily and that the Committee refused to further test it until it had been improved.

However, why should we be continually nagged ? The Board of Shechita which paid all the expenses of the un- satisfactory 1928 test at Islington, has offered to pay all the expenses of a renewed test before the same Committee at the same place early in May next. Surely all that is wanted at this stage is a little patience.

Capt. Hume takes up an entirely different line. He states that he has special knowledge of the facts, and then proceeds to make the astounding allegation that the Jews actually faked the demonstrations on which Professor Hill and Mr. Openshaw based their definite opinions that our methods, both of casting and killing, were humane.

He alleges that the demonstration (there were, I believe, actually four demonstrations) was so arranged as to give a false impression ; that the animals were cast on to rubber mats " which was window-dressing" ; and that he suspects also, on the basis of this " window-dressing," that there were other similar deceits, such as " the selection of quiet beasts " for casting.

One of these assertions is only a half-truth and is wholly mis- leading. The others are definitely untrue. The two Pro- fessors saw some animals cast on to rubber mats (Deptford), and a number of others cast on to the bare floor (Birkenhead). One of them found both methods equally humane. The other found Deptford too cramped for the operation and preferred the casting at Birkenhead. Both of them visited the abattoirs as and when they liked, without the slightest restriction or supervision, and saw the normal killings of the day. The animals killed were of all, types, except that at. Birkenhead they were actually all wild cattle. It is not fair that charges of bad faith should be made -witiout a shred of justification.—