13 APRIL 1929, Page 19


It is now more than a quarter of a century since the Brent Valley Bird Sanctuary set an example, which has been widely followed, of forming reserves for the ordinary birds of the countryside, in the neighbourhood of towns. Season by season the necessary money has been collected to pay the wages of a fulltime watcher, and the rates and taxes on the twenty-six acres of woodland and meadow which in 1922 were purchased and vested in trustees. Some years are lean and the past twelve-month is to be reckoned among these, for the Committee has not been able to meet all its liabilities. I therefore write to ask for any kind assistance in the way of direct donations or otherwise which will help us out of our difficulty. I may also say that after a meeting of the Selborne Society to be held on April 18th at 3.30 p.m., by kind permission of Sir Philip Sassoon at 25 Park Lane, at which Mrs. Charlotte Mansfield, the novelist, will give a travel talk entitled, " My Tramp through Africa," those who are interested will have an opportunity of hearing about the Selborne Society's Nature Reserves. Tickets can be obtained free on application to the Assistant Secretary at the address given.—WILFRED MARE WEBB, Chairman, The Hermitage, Hanwell, W. 7.