13 APRIL 1974, Page 4

Melchett Trust

Sir: I am writing to comment on Skinflint's remarks (The Spectator, March 30) about the Julian Melchett Trust, whsich is being set up to pursue social objectives in steelmaking areas. The British Steel Corporation considers it entirely appropriate that part of the charitable donations it already makes to benefit causes in steelmaking areas (in line with good industrial practice) should in future be channelled through a trust bearing Lord Melchett's name. The trust has evoked interest and support from private individuals and from other organisations in addition to the Corporation, all of whom recognise the particular and practical concern which Lord Melchett showed with the social policy of the steel industry. Your readers will wish to know that the Corporation's involvement in the Trust involves no increase in the existing sum it donates to charity; that the Trust will be legally obliged to spend all its funds on defined categories of social and other charitable causes, which will benefit steelworkers, their families and others living in steelmaking communities; and that the Corporation nominates a specified number of the Trustees including the Chairman, by arrangements made in full agreement with Lord Melchett's family.

R. W. Roseveave Secretary of the British Steel Corporation, 33 Grosvenor Place, London, SW1