A telegraphic despatch, which arrived at Venice on the Gth
August from Trieste, confirmed the news of the Porte having accepted, v. ithout any modification, the note drawn up at Vienna by the four Powers who signed the treaty of 1841. A special envoy, who is to inform the Czar of the Sultan's decision, is to leave for St. Petersburg as soon as Me ROS- sian troops shall have been ordered to eracuate the Principalities of the Danube.
A letter from Bucharest, dated 30th July, states that "Prince Gort- schakoff, Commander-in-chief of the Russian army in the Principalities, arrived here yesterday. The Greek Bishops called to pay their respects to him. They conversed with the General on the subject of the three protectorates of the Holy Sepulchre. Prince Gortschakoff treated them with greater kindness than he had shown even to the Hospodar."