13 AUGUST 1853, Page 11



The depression which characterized the English Stock Market last week has been succeeded by considerable reaction in prices, and much buoyancy. The improvement commenced on Monday, upon the announcement that the Emperor of Russia had accepted the proposition of the four Powers. This intelligence, combined with a fall of 3s. in the Corn-market, caused a rise in the Funds of 11 ; Console closing officially at 97i 8, and after regular hours 1 higher ; and although the reserved tone of the Ministerial replies on the Turkish question that evening in both Houses of Parliament caused a decline on Tuesday of I, prices yesterday resumed their former altitude, and Console closed at 98i 1,—arising partly from the settlement of the Account, which proved rather "Bearish.' the rise this week has been checked by the po- pular idea that money will become dearer for commercial purposes, (it is now worth 31 upon the best bills,) and that the Funds may consequently fall ; an impression bearing the more importance from a fear of the ability of the Chan- cellor of the Exchequer under such circumstances to pay off the dissentient hold- ers of South Sea Stock. Attention has been directed to a clause in the net for the conversion of this and other petty Three per Cent Stocks, allowing the assent as regards trustees to be withdrawn in certain cases before the 10th of October next, because unless under a favourable state of the money-market it would probably be acted upon to some extent, the clause allowing one trustee to dissent from the act of another. Today the Funds have been rather weaker ; Consols leave off at 98 a for Money and the Account, India provement which occurred on Monday was steadily maintained up to yes- Wedsy afternoon inclusive, and in some cases more fully developed ; and at the close of business the reaction in some of the leading lines compared Ayres, 2; Brazilian, Belgian, Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, Mexican, speculative business has been transacted. The improvement has been in the following-Sardinian, ; Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, and Buenos Portuguese Four, Spanish Three per Cents, Deferred, and Peruvian Deferred, 1 ; Dutch Four per Cents, f ; Granada Deferred, and Spanish Certificates, I. is I and Bank Stock better this week. Exchequer Bills have not altered. The French Funds have rallied about 3 per cent since Saturday.

Railways have partaken of the general rally in other markets. An im-

Foreign Securities generally have advanced this week, although very little with their value on last Saturday was to the following extent-East Lan- cashire, 3/. ; Great Western. and South-eastern, 2/. I5s. ; Midland, 2!. 5s. ; Caledonian, Great Northern. Lancashire and Yorkshire, and York and North Midland, 21. ; London and North-western, 11. 15s. ; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 11. 10a. ; London and South-western, Norfolk, and York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 11. ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 10s. The improvement in Foreign lines has been in the following-Paris and Orleans, 21. lea. ; Paris and Lyons, 2!. 58. ; Paris and Rouen, 2/. ; Paris and Stras- bourg, 1!. 158. ; Northern of France, 11. 108.; Western of France, 1!. 5s.; Great Central of France, 1!. 2s. 6d.; Grand Junction of France, Rouen and Havre, and Sambre and Meuse, 1/. ; Southern of France, 108. Today the English lines are slightly lower, and Foreign a shade better. The dividend declared in the North Staffordshire Railway was Se. 3d. per share, or 3 per cent per annum ; not entirely earned by the line, the Lon- don and North-western making up the deficiency. The London and South- western dividend is al per cent per annum, leaving 16471. to the next ac- count. At the meeting of the Great Northern, the Board will recommend a dividend of 21 per cent per annum on the original 251. Stock, and 5 per cent per annum on the 13 Stock. At the meeting of the Paris and Rouen Railway, a dividend of 25 francs per share was declared : the chief discus- sion was on the proposed amalgamation of the Western and North-western lines. The Sambre and Meuse Railway is progressing : when completed, a favourable traffic return is expected. SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK. In the English Market the Funds have not altered; Consols for Money and Account are 98 it, Exchequer Bills 3 di,. par. The tone of the foreign news continues pacific, and the French prices were better this morning ; but a large decrease in the bullion return of the Bank of England has a depressing ten- dency. Foreign Stocks are all the same as yesterday. Railways aresteady ; the bargains have been in the following-Chester and Holyhead, 24; Great Western, sot ; London and North-western, 1151; Midland, 72k.

3 per 98

Ditto for Account 98 S per Cent Reduced 9 Bank Stock 5 11 1 31 per Cents 101 6 ti Long Annuities 228 1 Exchequer Bills 3 dis. par India Stock 257 9

Brazilian 5 per Cents 101 3

Belgian 41 per Cents 98 100 Chilian 6 per Cents 104 6 Danish S per Cents 106 8 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian 41 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Po 4 per Cents 83 4


84 6

61 5 7 8 26 7 43 4 ex d.

Russian 5 per Cents 117 18 Ditto 41 per Cents 101 2 Spanish 3 per Cents 471 8 Ditto Deferred

231 1

Sardinian 5 per Cents 96 7 Austrian 5 per Cents 97 8