The Chamber met on Tuesday, and M. 011ivier read a
dull speech, saying the greater part of the Army had never been engaged, and General Dejean asked for laws enabling him to send the Garde Mobile to the front, to enroll all men under thirty, and to call out the Conscripts of 1871, but it was soon evident that the Chamber would insist on a change of Ministry. M. Jules Favre de- manded that the Emperor, being incapable, should be "recalled "- that is, deposed—and a Commission appointed with power to save the country,—that is, in fact, a Provisional Government. The President declared this revolutionary, M. Granier Cassagnac recommended drum-head court-martials on the Left, M. Picard demanded arms for the people, M. David recommended order, M. de Keratr3r asked for an abdication, and finally, after a scene of confusion in which it is said blows were exchanged, M. Clement Duvernois proposed that the Chamber "resolute to support a Cabinet competent to provide for the wants of the country," passed to the order of the day. This was explained to mean a vote of no confidence, it was accepted by the Chamber, and the 011ivier Ministry resigned.