The Following of the Flowers ; or, Musings in My
Flower Garden. (Marcus Ward and Co.)—The "following of the flowers" means the succession of the "daughters of the year," and the book is a series of reflections and remarks which we may call sentimental, bat not in any unfavourable sense, on the sabject thus suggested. The floral illustrations are somewhat crude, and scarcely as good as we should expect from the publishers.—The practical aspect of the same subject is represented by the Ladies' Multum-in-Parvo Flower-Garden. By Samuel Wood. (Crosby Lockwood.)—" I have shown," says Mr. Wood, "that the cost of having a good and gay garden is merely nominal." Possibly, if you can afford to spend your time upon it. That is just what most of us cannot do. Nevertheless, Mr. Wood Jas written a book which will be most useful to many, will help some to realise his ideal, and will supply all who care to have them with valuable hints.