MAGAZINES, Erc.—We have received the following for August :— Men
of Mark, the photographs this month being those of the Duke of Richmond, Dr. Tristram, Q.C., and Sir R. Malins.—No. 1 of East and West (Grattan, Marshall, and Co.), a new quarterly, the most season- able article in which is one on "London Markets."—The Magazine of Art.—The American Art Review.—The Gentleman's Magazine, which contains two amusing and interesting articles on "Riddles" and "Arabic Fables."—The Antiquary.—Science Gossip.—The Army and Navy Magazine.—The Nautical Magazine.—London Society.—The Argosy.—The Burlington.—The Atlantic Monthly.—Part 10 of Messrs. Ward and Lock's Universal Instructor.—The Theatre.—Belgravia, and its holiday number.-81. James's Magazine.—The Ladies' Gazette of Fashion.—La Saison.—Cassell 's Magazine.—The Christian Monthly.— The Sunday Magazine.—Good Words.—Chambers's Journal, containing an interesting article on the successful treatment of consumption. —All the Year Round, and its Summer Number.—The Sunday at Home.—The Leisure Hour.—The Girl's Own .Paper.—Messrs. Wells Gardner and Co.'s capital series of children's publications.—Catholic Progress.—Mission Life.—Golden Hours.—The North American Review.—Decoration.—Part 8 of Pathways of Palestine.—Good Words.—Fun's Holiday Book.