13 AUGUST 1904, Page 14


The Education Committee of the Victoria League offers— One Prize of 210, Two Prizes of £2 10s. each, and Three Prizes of £5 each, Six Prizes of £1 each,

for written lectures on the following subjects (the Prizes to bb awarded in December) :—

7. Zanzibar, British East Africa and

INDIA. Uganda. 1. Madras Presidency. 8. Nigeria and the West African 2. Bombay Presidency. Colonies and Protectorates.

3. Calcutta and the Ganges.

4. North-West Frontier and the CANADA. Punjab. 9. Quebec and Ontario. 10. Maritime Provinces and New•

Aram. foundland.

5. Egypt. 11. Manitoba and the North-West. 6. The Soudan. 12. British Columbia.

Each lecture must consist of about 3,000 words, and be capable of illustration by such lantern slides as would enable an audience to realise the chief aspects of the country and the life of its people.

The lectures should be concisely and graphically written froth personal knowledge of the country. The MSS. must be type-written, and should reach the Secretary of the Victoria League, Deere House, Victoria Street, S.W., not later than November 1st. The lectures which win the Prizes will become the property of the Victoria League."