13 AUGUST 1904, Page 16



Sra,—Can you find room for a cat and dog story P We have here an old Irish terrier who generally considers himself past fighting, and also a cat who was born on the premises six years ago. They have always been friends, but not to any demonstrative degree. Some little time since the dog was by the drive gate when another and larger dog attacked him, pinning him down on the ground. The cat, who chanced to be in the bushes close by, dashed out, sprang on to the big dog's back, and dug in his claws so effectively that the under dog was released, while Thomas regained his bush. How- ever, the enemy once more went for the old terrier ; but the cat was quite equal to the occasion, and this time made a frontal attack, striking the dog repeatedly in the face, and finally putting him to flight. The cat is a large tabby, and certainly enjoys a fight, though in his encounters with a younger cat we have he usually gets the worst of it. He is a great hand at catching young rabbits, one of which he brought in a few months since and presented to his friend [*** We have to acknowledge postal orders for £2 sent by " Viator" on behalf of the old couple mentioned in our article, "Yeoman's Service," of August 6th.—ED. Spectator.]