13 AUGUST 1904, Page 22

Wesleyan Methodist Reminiscences Sixty Years Ago. By the Rev. James

H. Rigg, D.D. (R. Culley.)—This is a volume of kindly and pleasant talk, more full of meaning, as is natural, for the " Connexion," but not without a general interest. Dr. Rigg limits himself to quite early recollections, to his candidature for the ministry, his examinations, and early ministry. Some- times, when he speaks of contemporaries and colleagues, he rouses a desire that they, too, had given the world some record of their experiences. When Mr. Rigg, for instance, was a candidate before the "July Committee" he was associated with "a Lanca- shire lad from near Bolton" who, "having been converted at the age of nine, began to preach at sixteen." It would be immensely interesting to have a quite candid autobiography of this young gentleman, with his first sermon by way of appendix.