Sta,—Strix considers that "you have no further worries" once the Pest Officer's team is on the rat-killing job. There are, however, two sides to all questions, and twenty to most. You certainly have "further worries" if you live in one of a row of cottages whose gardens are separated by a hedge from a field, and poison is laid along that hedge—and you keep dogs, cats, poultry, or have small children at the toddling putting-every- thing-in-the-mouth stage. Personally I should be almost frantic with worry in such a situation. Also, there is the small matter, usually ignored, that a rat is an animal before-it is—shall we say, a Tory ? Rat poisons on the market are vilely cruel. - In -my opinion they should have been made illegal long since for that reason only. I certainly am amazed that a Pest Officer's team may use them near houses. Why isn't Cymag used ?