13 AUGUST 1948, Page 17


Sut,—In his review of Dr. Iremonger's Life and Letters of William Temple, John Christie suggests that the W.E.A. was perhaps of all his " causes " the one nearest to his heart. This was indeed so, but it may not be known generally that he was its active President for sixteen years, during which the extension of the Association's activities was considerable.

The part that Dr. Temple played in this expansion, and the affection in which he was held, has prompted the inauguration of the "Temple Fund," which is to be used to dedicate the new Headquarters of the Association as a memorial. Plans are nearing completion, but the tribute must be fitting to the man. May I, therefore, ask for the hospitality of your columns to suggest that all readers to whom the extension of facilities for, and the implementation of, adult education is a necessity of our age should send a donation to the Treasurer, The Temple Fund, The W.E.A., 38a St. George's Drive, London, S.W.1.—Yours, &C., ERNEST GREEN (General Secretary, W.E.A.). 38a St. George's Drive, Victoria, S.W.r.