13 AUGUST 1948, Page 5

"Agents, promoters, casting managers (sic), producers, actors, actresses, writers, radio

and theatre personalities, financiers, publicists, and everybody connected with the show business and the film, radio and stage world will be found in this book," Messrs. Stanley Itkin, Ltd., claim for their forthcoming publication, Who's Who in Enter- tainment. "There is no charge," these public benefactors point out,

"for the insertion of your biographical details " ; all you have to do is to send a guinea for the book (which will appear " shortly ") and a further five guineas if you want your photograph to grace its crowded pages. The size—about that of a postcard— of the form on which the promoters want you to record your biographical details and "professional experiences" is not the only indication that their circular is intended mainly for those for whom the Enter- tainment World is still a great, big, beautiful mystery.