Sir: Because Peregrine Worsthorne writes deliberately to be provocative some
of his friends may respond to the incredible second paragraph in your Notebook (6 August) with the observation that 'it's just Perry'. It isn't. He has let himself down very badly. 'Ambitious outsiders'! Who is an outsider, and who decides what con- stitutes inside? The term 'anti-semitic' is used too lightly and too often, but it applies here. It alleges that pushy Jews on the make have achieved social and political progress which they wouldn't have otherwise, despite their cleverness, because the Prime Minister lacks certain traditional Tory in- stincts.
Yes, but then the brighter Tories, not just Mrs Thatcher but Lord George Bentinck who brought Disraeli in from the cold, disregard such instincts. If you start out by being pro-talent you usually finish by being philo-semitic. And talent will outlive the futile, snobbish unmeritable spirit of social emulation which makes 'outsider' a word ever to use about anybody.
If we are to be anything in this country we must be a republic of talent and free in- telligence. Resentment of talented and in- telligent Jews, never very far away from the Spectator-Private Eye alliance, is for fools. I had not thought Perry to be one.
Edward Pearce
44 Blackett's Wood Drive, Chorleywood, Herts.