13 DECEMBER 1834, Page 5


The Reformers of Dundee assembled in the Megdalen Yard Green on the 31 instant, to address the King on the present state of public affiiirs. A preliminary meeting was held in the Town-ball; and as it was on the point of breaking up, word was brought to the Provost, that a flag with the inscription " No King !" was displayed in the street leading to the place of assembly. The Provost insisted upon the flag being taken away before he could preside at the meeting. This was done ; and it appeared to be a trick of the Tories (every way worthy of the cause they strive to defend) to throw a slur of dis- loyalty on the Refarmers.

The numbers assembled at the Magdalen Yard are supposed to have amounted to from six to ten thousand.

Provost Kay having opened the meeting, Bailie Symon moved, and Mr. George Milne seconded a series of resolutions, which,as might be expected from the usual manly and intelligent bearing of Sir Henry Parnell's constituents, are of a very decided character. We subjoin the second arid third, in order to show the nature of the •f‘ reaction" in that part of Scotland.

" 2. That the Duke of Wellington and his political associates, especially in the Peers' House of Parliament, having, by their bitter and persevering opposition, been but too successful in their endeavours to delay and to cripple that great first step towards the attainment ofgood and cheap government. Reform in the Representation of the People, ought now, if they have any sort of principle, or any shame, of all men to be the last to thrust themselves into the councils of the King; unless, indeed, for objects which, however he..rtless. would have at least the merit of consistency • namely, to thwart the operation of that measure, and to render nugatory all those salutary provisions for which alone it is cherished by the People. And that such are in reality the base objects o hid, this domineering faction have now in view, is sufficiently obvious from their voles, protests, and declarations, in the course of their subsequent eraleavours to arrest or to impede the progress of Reform ; and thus to In-Wield from the People the enjo!.ment of those fruits to which they are entitled, and which they are determined to reap from it.

3. That this meeting do, on these grounds. beseech his Majesty to repudiate ad- visers so unprincipled, and therefore so datigerues to his Governtnent, and destructive of the best interests of the People ; and to call to his councils men who will act in accord- ance with the spirit of the New Charter of oar Liberties, and be guided by those great principles so ably advocated. so consistently maintained, and so nobly vindicated by his Majesty's lOrmer and faithful councillor, that wise, enlightened, and patriotic statesman the Earl 01" [MTh= ; and they feel assured t hat his Majesty will thus, by providing against weakries and vacillation on the one hand, and blindness and turbulence on the other, adopt the most effectual means of preserving the peace and tranquilii y of the country, Of advancing the happiness and prosperity of the People, and of promoting the useful- aess and stability of the Government- The speeches were in the same spirit as the resolutions—quite as decided certainly. An address founded on the resolutions, to be pre- sented to the King by Sir Henry Parnell, was unanimously agreed to. Both Bailie Symon and Bailie Christie made some capital hits. The meeting then passed a unanimous vote of confidence in Sir Henry Parnell, and resolved to support hint at the next election. They also came to the wise decision, " that it would be an unneces- sary sacrifice of Sir Henry's valuable time to visit Dundee at present, in the contemplation of a general election." Who would not wish to represent the Reformers of Dundee?

Addresses to support his Majesty in dismissing his late Ministers have been agreed to in Leith, Greenock, Anstruther Wester, Kirk- caldy, Inverness, Cupar Fife, Ayr, by the Senatus Academicus of the University of St. Andrew's, and at many other places. [But we see no account of the public meetings at which these addresses were adopted.] The Dunfries Times volunteers some corrections of our statement of the comparative strength of parties in the House of Commons. " There are two Members (says that journal) omitted by the Spectator., tamely, Mr. Callender, lember for Argyle County, and General Arbuthnot, Member for Kincardine District ; the former of whom ought to have appeare& in the 1st, and the latter in the al table."

If our Northern contemporary will take the trouble to look again an more patiently, he will find that Mr. Callender's name is in the fir,t; list. and General Arbuthnot's also in the second.

The Dumfries Times thinks we are in error in placing Mr. H. John- stone among the Duke's supporters : he is a person, it seems, of" ex- treme moderation, both from principle and temper," but excepting art the Irish Church question not likely to support the Duke. Really we think Mr. Johnstone was not misplaced. He cannot at all events be relied upon as an A ilti- Tory.

.Again, we are told that Horatio Ross will not he a Doubtful Re- former, after his violent disclaimer in May 1832. The only doubt we feel is, whether he will remain a trimmer or become a decided Duke's man. At present he must stay among the Doubtfuls. Mr. John Dunlop we have since put into the list of honour; and are happy to learn that Captain Wemyss's recent declarations, taken in connexion with his votes, entitle hint also to removal from the Doubtful list.

Lord Stanley has declined the public dinner proposed to be given himn on the occasion of his visit to Glasgow, to be installed into the office of Lord Rector. His Lordship assigns as his reason, the present uncertain state of political parties. We have heard that this result of the appli- cation has given great satisfaction to some of the gentlemen who signed the requisition, on account of the misunderstanding which had gone abroad that in doing so they countenanced any of the abuses of the Irish or English Church, they having merely meant to testify their attachment to the principle of a Church Establishment—Glasgoto chronicle.

'rhe Hull Advertiser some time ago intimated, that Mr. Bucking- ham's exaggerated account of the drunkenness exhibited at the Glas- gow Dinner to Lord Durham, proceeded from pique at his not being allowed to speak at the dinner. To this Mr. Buckingham replies, inn the long letter referred to in another column, as follows— "lie (the editor of the Hull Adecrtiser) is wrong, in supposing that I was wounded -at not being iueluded in the list of speakers ; for in point of fact, f was strongly urged to take one of the toasts, betbre we loft the Council-room to go to the dinner, table, and that by the Committee themselves ; and be is equally wrong in supposing the existence of any 'malignant feeling,' on my part, towards any person living. No calumnious attack,' as he supposes, was ever eoa- templated, either against the party by whom I was entertained, or against any one else."

The Glasgow Argus, good authority on this subject, thus explains the real state of the case- " If Mr. Buckingham was strongly urged to take one of the toasts,' it was by an unauthorized individual, and contrary to the express wish of the Com- mittee. Mr. Buckingham sent to the Secretary of the Committee from Greenock a copy of a sentiment which he asked permission to give. The Com- mittee decided that the order of toasts having been filially- settled, Mr. Buck- ingham could not be allowed to break in upon it. Mr. Buckingham after- wards sent a letter, iu which he said that he would be happy to take any un- appropriated toast that the Committee would intrust to him. The decision of the Committee was, that Mr. Buckingham Should not be allowed to give any toast. As to the feelings entertained by Mr. Buckinghtu», in consequence of his compulsory silence, he is the only man who can know with certainty what they were. All that other men can do is to judge by indications. For our part, it really does appear to us a very suspicious indication, when we find Mr. Buckingham abusing and misrepresenting the dinner a few days afterwards, in. a company where he knew there were many persons present who would rejoice in any thing that threw discredit upon those who held the principles avowed at

the Durhani dinner Mr. Buckingham may, perhaps, be anxious to know why lie was not permitted to speak. Of course we can no inure say with

certainty what were the feelings and motives of the gentlemen composing the

Committee, than we coral say what were those which influenced Mr. Buck- ingham. But, purely for his gratification,:we will tell him what we believe them to have been. We believe that they felt annoyed, because, through the inad-

vertent baste of one or two of.their number, Mr. Buckingham's name had been allowed to appear in the list of Stewards, and that they were determined that the connexion between him and them should not be drawn closer by his being allowed to speak. Mr. Buckingham may rest assured that the stopping of his mouth on this occasion is only one of the indications he meets with daily, that the public is beginning to appreciate him at his just value."