13 DECEMBER 1834, Page 6


ANGLESEA. Sir R. W. Bulkeley, a Reformer, will be reelected; and Captain Paget will also reta:n his seat for the Anglesea Boroughs.

ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE. Mr. Charles Hindley is the Liberal, and Mr. Helps the Tory candidate.

BATII. Notwithstanding the advice of his brother Sir John, Mr. Henry Hobhouse persists in dividing the Reform interest in Bath. The electors are generally satisfied with General Palmer and Mr. Roehttok ; but Mr. Hobhouse is doing his best to secure the return of ,

a Tory candidate, Colonel Daubeny; who is described as being a " very gentlemanly man." No doubt, a pretty qualification this furs

Member of Parliament; but how is his head furnished ?

Matastinte. It is rumoured that Mr. Throekmorton will retire, and the Reformers are looking out for a candidate to replace him. What do the Berkshire Liberals mean to do with Mr. John Walter? Will he be allowed to purchase the acquiescence of the Reformers as wall I, as of the Tories to his reelection, by writing up the Tory Ministry in the Times? A letter, said to be by Mr. Walter, was copied into the Times of Monday : it is a laboured effort to justify desertion to the C Duke, and would do no discredit to the most practised shuftler in the political world. Mr. Walter was returned by the strenuous efforts of the Liberals. His journal, the Times, has gone over to the enemy: Mr. •;s.. Walter himself is plainly taking the same course, and should be at once a discarded by his former supporters, as a deserter from the good cause.

Banwica. Sir Francis Blake and Sir Rufane Dunkin have again come forward.

BIRMINGHAM. The return of Messrs. Attwood and Seholefield may be deemed secure. There was some demur as to the first gstale- man ; but he, as well as Mr. Scholefield, has given a written promise to oppose the Government of the Duke of Wellington, or ony Tory Government. Messrs. Attwood and Scholefield are to accept ally ; good that such a Alinistry may offer, but nevertheless to procure their removal, either by an address to the King, by stopping the Supplies, or any other constitutional mode. Thus the hopes of the Tories in Bir. r intrigham will be frustrated. s.

BODMIN. There are four candidates; Lord Eliot, Sir S. Spry, Major Vivian, and Mr. Peter. BRIDGNORTII. Mr. Pigott is canvassing; but the Liberals hope to oust one of the Tory Members at this election.

Baineorcr. Under the guise of a Reformer of the Canning school, Mr. Horace Twiss is trying his luck ; but it is surely improbable that he will be preferred to either Mr. Warburton or Mr. Romilly.

BRISTOL. Mr. Baillie's Parliamentary conduct has satisfied the Bristol Reformers, and there is no doubt of his return. Here, as in other places, the Whigs and the Radicals have had the prudence to sink minor differences, and unite against the common enemy. It is very doubtful whether Sir Richard Vyvyan will be the Tory candidate. Unlike Mr. Baillie, he has been inattentive to the business of his con- stituents, and has disappointed his party, who had the folly to think him a" crack man." His pecuniary circumstances are also said not to be in such a state as to make an election agreeable to him. The To- ries will, however, undoubtedly have their candidate; and if they are content to divide the representation with the Reformers, they will probably be allowed so to do. Thus the political influence of this important and wealthy place will be neutralized in Parliament; so far as voting goes, Bristol might just as well be blotted out of the roll of British constituencies.

CANTERBURY. Lord Albert Conyngham is sure of his election: we do not fitul any account of Mr. Watson's prospects.

CARNARVONSHIRE. There is as yet no opposition to Mr. Assheton Smith, the Tory Member. CARNARVON BOROUGH. Sir Charles Paget retires. Colonel Parry and Mr. Hughes, Reformers, and Major Nanney, a Tory, are.spoken of as candidates.

CHATHAM. The Tory Government nominee in opposition to Cap- tain Byng is Sir John Poo Bercsford. CHESHIRE, NORTH. Earl C rOSYCHOT retires: his Rrobable sia- cessor as not named. CIRENCESTER. Sir Michael Hicks Beech is mentioned as a worthy successor of Lord R. E. Somerset, who will probably retire.

COLCHF.STER. Sir Henry Smyth and Mr. Sanderson are in the field, on the Tory side. Where is Mr. Harvey ?

CORNWALL. It is probable that the four Liberal Members will be reelected.

COVENTRY. Mr. Ellice, in his absence on the Continent, will be again proposed by his old constituents; and Mr. Henry L. Bulwer also again stands on the popular interest. Mr. William Williams has put forth an address, on Radical principles ; but it is hoped that the Re • formers will not at the present moment divide the popular interest by barking Mr. Williams against the old Members. Mr. Morgan Thin as will be again started by the Corporation; mid it is reported that Mr. Edmund Peel will be his colleague. No doubt exists that, united, the popular party can securely return Mr. Ellice and Mr. Bulwer. Why should the Reformers of Coventry split their forces and promote the return of a Corporation nominee ?

The Reformer, Mr. Aladocks, is to be opposed by Mr. Jones, a Tory.

DENBIGHSHIRE. Mr. Biddulph and Sir W. W. Wynne are again candidates.

DERBYSHIRE, NORTH. Mr. Arkwright, the Tory millionaire, is to be started against Mr. Gisborne, who was returned by a majority of l'200 votes over his Tory opponent at the last election.. If Mr. Gis- borne was deserving of support then, he has much stronger claims now ; for he has been one of the most useful and iadeperident Members of the House of Commons. We have read his address to the electors on the present crisis—an admirable one ; and are deceived if it will not work powerfully in his favour at the election. The times are coming when such men as Mr. Gisborne will be much wanted in the House of Commons, and we earnestly call upon his constituents to spare no ex- ertions to reelect him.

DEVONSHIRE, SOUTH. Lord John Russell, Mr. Bulteel, and Sir John Yarde Buller, the latter a Tory, are in the field. Lord John is exerting himself strenuously to keep alive the old feeling in his favour among the Liberals.

DOVER. Mr. Ellice, son of the late Secretary at War, has been in- vited by the Liberals.

DUI/LEY. The excellent electors and stout Reformers of this new borough are girding themselves up for a desperate attempt to knock off their Tory manacles. Their present Representative, Mr. Hawkes, will have to meet a fierce opposition.

Dilution Mr. Arthur Trevor, a Tory, and Mr. Harland, one of the siring Members, are in the field. Mr. Chaytor, the other Mem- ber, leis not yet come forward.

Duanaat, Nonrit. Mr. Iledworth Lambton is said to be sure of i, reelection.

EVESHAM. Mr. Borthwick, a Tory, intends to try his chance here : it is but a poor one.

Exrrea. The Reform candidates, Messrs. Divett and Buller, are rei,reiented to us as being secure of their reelection, though opposed by Mr. Follett, a very moderate Tory, but doubtless a supporter of the Duke.

Fi.lx.rsttion. The Honourable Lloyd Mostyn will probably not be molested by any Tory intruder.

Firome. Mr. Sheppard, a trimmer, will be opposed by Sir Courtc- nay Boyle, a Tory. The Reformers should have nothing to do with either, except to turn them out of the borough.

GLOUCESTER. The Reformers here have made up their quarrel ; and it is nearly certain that Berkeley will be reinstated with Philpotts.

GLOUCESTERSHIRE, WEST. The Liberal Club, which is so effectually ramiiied through the Eastern Division of the county, is instituted in the Western, and is becoming very serviceable. Berkeley and Moreton will probably both be returned again, though the Marquis of Worcester is their threatened opponent.

GREAT MaaLow. Mr. William Carpenter, one of the editors of the True Sun, has received a numerously-signed requisition, inviting him to become a candidate for one of the seats, against the Tory Member, Mr. T. P. Williams, in whose family the representation of the borough has been an heir-loom for many years. Mr. Carpenter gw, down immediately, with every prospeci; of success.

GREENWICH. It is said that Messrs. Croker and Planta will oppose time sitting Members, Barnard and Dundas.

HANIPSIIIRE, &runt. The canvass of Palmerston and Staunton has been very successful.

HA/macs. Mr. Joseph Planta is trying to unseat one of the pre- sent Liberal Members.

Iliateroan. It is stated that Mr. Biddulph and Mr. Clive will ag:iin be returned.

HERTFORD COUNTY. Colonel Calvert, Mr. Alston, and Mr. Brand are r»eotioned as the Liberal candidates, in opposition to Lord Grim- Stun and Mr. Abel Smith.

Her.r.. The Corporation are making a dead set at Mr. Hill. In tile present scarcity of Liberal candidates' the electors of hull may think themselves well off to have such a Representative as Mr. Hila Alen, far inferior to that gentleman in all that makes a Member of Parliament valuable, are eagerly looked after at the present time. If the electors of Hull suffer themselves to be bribed or bullied into re- jecting him, they will deserve to be represented by Mr. Carruthers. We are happy, however, to learn that Mr. Hill is in no danger.

KIDDERMINSTER. Mr. Philips, it is expected, will defeat Mr. Godson in the approaching contest. LAMBETH. Mr. Alderman Farebrother is canvassing all the Tories he can find in Lambeth. The Reformers intend to return Messrs. Tennyson and Hawes.

LANCASHIRE, SOUTH. Lord Molyneux has consented to Come forward again with Mr. G. W. Wood. 'The interest of the Derby family will be given to the Liberal candidates. Lord Francis Egerton is the Tory candidate. LANCASTER. Two Tory candidates, Sir R. Barrie and Mr. E. R.

G. Braddyl, will oppose the sitting Members, Messrs. Greene and Stewart.

LEICESTER. Mr. Broughton Leigh, a Tory, will endeavour to oust one of the present Liberal Members.

Moartssma. Mr. Ilish is again a candidate.

LICHFIELD. The interest of the Earl of Lichfield is predominant in this city of the clergy, and two Whigs will certainly be chosen.

LONDON. Mr. Gideon Colquhoun, a Tory merchant, will be a can- didate for the City.

LUDLOW. It seems probable that Mr. Romilly will be returned with Lord Clive : no third candidate has yet appeared.

LYME REGIS. The Whig Member, Mr. Pinney, will be run bard by Lord Burgliersh.

AIacchEsrika.o. There is as yet no opposition to Messrs. Broekle- burst and Kyle.

MANCHESTER. The return of Messrs. Poulett Thomson and Mark Phillips may be deemed certain. MONTGOMERYSHIRE, BOROUGIIS. Mr. Edwards, the present Whig 'Member, is canvassing his constituents, and no opponent has yet ap- peared. NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE. It is believed that Mr. Ord of Whitfield will be a candidate ; in which case, there can be little doubt of his return.

NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYNE. Mr. Edmund Peel is talked of ; and if lie will spend money freely, he may rely upon being returned for this borough. NEWPORT, MOIMOUTH, AND USK. Mr. Bailey, a Tory, is con- fidently expected by his party to unseat Mr. Hall; but we hope better things of the electors.

Nortrot.x, EAST. Lord Walpole, now in Italy, and Mr. Edmund Wodehouse, will be the Tory candidates.

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. A correspondent from this county, whose letter reached us only just as we were going to press, informs us that the Tories have started a fourth candidate, in the person of Mr. Alaunsell ; who is canvassing the Northern Division, in opposition to Lord Milton. The Reformers in the county and borough of North- ampton stand a fair chance of being trodden under foot by their active opponents. Let Mr. Vernon Smith take care of himself, or he will be ousted. The apathy of the Northamptonshire Liberals, at such a time as this, is most disgraceful.

NORTHALLERTON Mr. Wrightson, a Reformer, succeeds Captain Boss, also a Reformer.

NORTHUMBERLAND, NORTH. Lord Howick, Lord Os.solston, and the Honourable H. T. Liddell, the two latter Tories, are candidates.

PiNmouTit. Messrs. Collier and Hewes are said to be safe, not- withstanding they are opposed by Sir George Cockburn, and the new Ministerial influence.

POOLE. Mr. James Bonar, a partner in the house of Small, Col- quhoun, and Co., and Mr. John Irving, the well-known City mer- chant, are canvassing in opposition to Sir John Byng and Mr. Lester, the Liberal Members.

RADNORSHIRE. Sir John Walsh, now Member for Sudbury, will oppose Mr. Wilkins, a Moderate Whig; a severe contest inav be ex- pected. Sir John has property in the county, but is little known in that quarter.

Rocrirsnat. Mr. Bernal is safe. Mr. John Mills will probably be forced to retire, and the Tories talk of Lord Charles Wellesley in his place. On the other hand, the Reformers have got an excellent candidate in Mr. Twisden Hodges, sun of the worthy Alember for West Kent.

Stie.relio.n. Mr. Samuel Bailey has offered himself; and for the credit of Sheffield, we trust he will be returned. It is really a disgrace to that indepeodent constituency to prefer any man in Enylcind to their excellent, enlightened, and accomplished townsman.

. Soaravsarav. Mr. Slaney again comes forward. He will be op- posed by Mr. Cressett Pelham; an a d severe an i

d expensive contest s expected.

SHROPSHIRE, NORTH AND SOUTH. The Tories confidently expect to oust time only Liberal Member, Mr. Cotes, by returning Mr. Ormsby Gore in his place. SOUTHAMPTON. Mr. Easthope, formerly Member for St. Alban's, is a candidate, with a fair chalice of success.

SratToan. This iinniaculate borough has again been canvassed by Captains Clietwynd and Gronow.

Sraeroansione, SOUTII. Sir John Wrottesley and Mr. Littleton will almost certainly be again returned. Mr. Holyoake Goodrieke is mentioned as likely to be the Tory candidate ; but this is iinprobable, ill consequence of the intimate frieodship which has long subsisted between Sir John and the Holyoake family' and Sir John would be the displaced candidate, as Mr. Littleton is far too popular and too useful to be discarded.

STAFFORDSHIRE, NORTH. Two Tories, Messrs. Watts Russell and Sneyd, are mentioned as opponents to Sir Oswald Mosley and Mr. E. Buller.

STOKE-UPON-TRENT. The reelection of Mr. Davenport is consi- dered secure ; but Mr. Wedgwood is threatened with an opposition from Alderman Copeland. WAKEFIELD. Mr. Lascelles will oppose Mr. Gaskell.

WARWICK. Sir Charles Greville, and Mr. Bolton King have an- nounced themselves as candidates for this borough.

WARWICKSHIRE, SOUTH. Mr. Evelyn Shirley, a Tory, and Sir John Mordaunt, are talked of to oppose the sitting Members. WARWICKSHIRE, NORTH. Sir Eardley Wilmot is tolerably sure of being reelected; and an effort will be wade by the Reformers to unseat Mr. Dugdale. WENLOCK. The Radicals have not yet found a candidate to oppose the two Tories who now represent the borough.

WEvatoeTit. Sir F. Johnstone retires. Mr. Buxton, Mr. George 13alikes, and Mr. W. Burdon, are the competitors for this borough.

WoLvEanamrroN. Mr. Fryer is said to be secure, but we hear nothing of Mr. Woolryche Whitniore. ; YCOMBE. The Reformers feel ci rutin of reclecting Colonel Grey and Mr. Robert Smith. Mr. Benjamin D'Israeli is also a candidate.


ABERDEENSHIRE, It is said that Captain Gordon will be opposed, `• but we have heard no name mentioned. • PUPAL Mr. Andrew Johnstone has spoken out his hostility to the % Dpke. A list of questions was submitted to him for answer, by a

mumlier of his constituents, and among them the following : " In case

,you are again returned to Parliament, will you vote down a Tory, or any Coalition Ministry of Whigs and Tories, at once, and without re- spect to any professions they may make of following out a Liberal course of policy?" To this question Mr. Johnstone gave a hearty an- swer in the affirmative. Now, therefore, we can conscientiously put him in the list of the Duke's opponents. But the numerous questions which his constituents found it necessary to put to one who has been a Member of Parliament during the last two years, prove their uncertainty as well as ours respecting the course he would take. . DUNFERMLINE DuaGns. No opposition to Lord Dalmeny is talked of.

ELGIN. Mr. Holt Mackenzie will oppose Colonel Leith Hay, but the latter is thought pretty safe. Fussonts. Captain ‘Vemyss, whose Parliamentary conduct and recent declarations have gained him the confidence of the Liberal party in Fifeshire, is opposed by Colonel Lindsay. We are happy to barn from good authority, that Captain lVemyss may be put down as a determined opponent of a Tory Ministry. His constituents are thoroughly satisfied with him, and have resolved to elect him free of expense. It is a good symptom that he has lost the support of a number of the daft Fife .Lairds. It will be remembered that we never con- sidered Captain Wemyss among the Duke's supporters, but thought that his late conversion to Liberalism justified caution in putting him among his determined opponents. We cannot regret that we did so in this, or in any other instance, where it has led to those mutual expla- nations between Members and their constituents, which are of essen- tial service to the good cause. Our doubts appear to have had no worse effect than to stimulate the zeal of Captain Wemyss's friends: we heartily wish him the success his spirit and principles deserve.

Forum:sum. The Tories have come to the resolution that Mr. Horatio Ross is not trustworthy ; and so they have dropped that slippery politician. Sir James Carnegie was not exactly to their taste—he also is laid on the shelf; and at length they 1 ave got an Honourable Stuart Mackenzie, who is to be supported by the Earl of Airlie and the party generally against Mr. Hallyburton; whom, how- ever, they will timid it no easy matter to displace, if Mr. liallyburton fight the battle as he ought to do.

GREENOCK. There is not a whisper of opposition to Mr. Wallace. HADDINGTON. Mr. Ferguson's return may be deemed secure. KINCARDINEsIIIRE. There will be a bard contest between Mr.

Barnett, a Liberal, and General Arbuthnot, the Tory Member. KIRKCALDY, Dvsmer, &c. Mr. Fergus of Strathore offers himself to replace Mr. Ferguson of Raith in this district. He is a well-

qualified and worthy candidate ; and we cannot doubt his return. LEI at. Mr. Murray's election is unquestionable. LINLITHGOWSHIRE. Mr. Hope Vere will run Sir Alexander Hope,

the Tory, very close, if he does not unseat him, which his friends ex- pect. MossraosE. Mr. Chalmers of Auldbar has every prospect of beat- ing Mr. Leader of Londsn.

PERTH. Mr. Oliphant is almost certain of being returned without a contest.

Ross.suntn. Mr. Stewart Mackenzie is opposed by Mr. Mackenzie of A pplecross. ROXBURGIISHIRE. Captain Elliott's friends are making spirited efforts in his behalf against Lord John Scott.

STIRLINGSHIRE. Mr. Forbes of Callendar is mentioned as an op- ponent to Admiral Fleming.

SUTHERLAND. The friends of Mr. Macleod of Cadboll have been canvassing for that gentleman, and his reelection is considered certain. &c. Mr. Loch will be returned without opposition.