WAR.OFFICE, Dec. 12.-12t1i Regt. of Light Drags.-Coruet Hon. R. Needham, to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Boynton, who retires; t 1111am M iller, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, sire Needhatn. 1Jh Ligitt Ina:.2.-Coruet E. R. Read, to be Lieut. by purchase, sire itenesse. who reli-es; 11. Hamilton, Gent. tg be Cornet, by purchase' vice Read. Scots Enslaver Goortis--Ceit. G. Duke of Gordon, G.C.U. trout the 1st Foot, to be Col. vice Field-Ma .shat II. 1:. II...1w Duke of blotwester, dec. Jut Re .t. of Foot -Gen. T. 1.01,1 Lyuedocit, t'eutt. the 14111 Fu t., to be Colonel. Duke of (imam., appoin.ol he en..1,.,:t int i he Scots Fitsileer Guards. 14th F. it -Lieut-Geti. Ilea. Sic C. Col% ille, 'coat the i4.1. Foot, to be Col. vie Lord Lyttedoelt, app..iut d L. kilt, OM 0 st Foot, 21,,t pc„,; _s„. „„d N. m•Grr,or, to Inc First, Lieut. iv priehase,1 ice Cat 0111;i...ill. win retires ; A. Andiet.s, Ora. in by Seeollit Lieut. lir it vice Al'Gregor. L7.I. Fool-Ensign J. Hoot-, pa!, of the 5t I. lte:o.. of Foot. to be Ensign,. n latent purchase, vire Ether'. promoted ; Ensign T. -. M. EiAen. lo be Adjult an. (0 ith the rank of Lb'..) y:ce Ity protoo:etl. to -Caot. Hon. J. Jocelyn, tromithe tic.. tacit a to he Capt. vice 1406 Lient.-Col. E. A. Angelo, who exchanges. 11Ith Et 4— Lieut. E. W. 1.13 mu, to In: Howe, who resigns the Adjutancy only. Wilt Fo 4-11 at... W. Campbell, from the 6gd liegt. of Fool, to he Capt. vice O'Brien. ,.10 each: sages. -Hsi Foot- A. Hook, bunt the half pay or the Royal York Rattlers, to be CatiLsee Vi oven,. who exelmoges. 4611i -Enslett W. Peacock, to be Lieut. by per, ha vie Edwo,ds, 1.1to retires; W. li. O'Toole, Gent. It he Ensi;d. by purchase, vi re Peacock. 6.2.41 Foot-A:op.. G. O'Brien, ;',ont the 3,sult of Foot, to be 4.4, ,1, I o exchanges. 71111 FoA.--Niajor•Gen. Sir J. Gnu!). bell, K Irmo the h FOOt, in be Colonel. vice Sir C. Colville. aNs.inted to the command o.' the 14th Foot. 94.h Fool--Major (iii'. Sir J. C.dbotne, K.G.B. to be Col. vice sir J. Campi 41, app.riut.'u to the command of the 74111 Foot.